Primary hepatic angiosarcoma:a clinical and pathological analysis

来源 :China Medical Abstracts(Internal Medicine) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:catscafe
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Objective To investigate the clinicopathological characteristics,differential diagnosis,and prognosis of primary hepatic angiosarcoma,and to review the literature.Methods Twenty cases of primary hepatic angiosarcoma were analyzed by gross examination and light Objective To investigate the clinicopathological characteristics, differential diagnosis, and prognosis of primary hepatic angiosarcoma, and to review the literature. Methods Twenty cases of primary hepatic angiosarcoma were analyzed by gross examination and light
The mutagenicity of diesel exhaust particles (DEP) was studied by using Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98 and TA100o in vitro and mice micronucleus in vivo te
食盐与人身健康息息相关。按质量规格划分,有原盐、洗涤盐、土盐、平锅盐、精制盐、加碘盐等。如果长期食用非加碘盐,后果不堪设想。 据科学论证,碘是甲状腺合成甲状腺激素