
来源 :新理财(政府理财) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yushu522216869
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《新理财》:浙江在全国主动率先进行转型升级,在这过程中GDP和财政收入都受到了冲击。嘉兴市是如何破解这一矛盾的?李卫宁:我们到了现在这个发展阶段,必须更加重视经济发展质量,兼顾数量和质量的统一,发展速度和效益的统一。从整个发展的要求来看,政府更加追求可持续性和协调性。近几年,嘉兴市基本保持了一个比较良好的发展态势,去年经济增长 “New Wealth Management”: Zhejiang takes the lead in nationwide transformation and upgrading initiative, in the process of GDP and fiscal revenue have been hit. Jiaxing City, how to crack this contradiction? Li Weining: We have reached this stage of development, we must pay more attention to the quality of economic development, taking into account the unity of quantity and quality, the speed of development and the unity of efficiency. From the perspective of overall development, the government is pursuing more sustainability and coordination. In recent years, Jiaxing City, basically maintained a relatively good momentum of development last year, economic growth
第四次中国、日本、韩国领导人会议5月22日在日本东京举行。中国国务院总理温家宝、日本首相菅直人和韩国总统李明博出席会议。  温家宝在发言中说,中日韩建立伙伴关系三年来,经受住了国际金融危机、重大自然灾害和错综复杂的地区、国际形势考验,相互沟通协调得到加强,合作领域不断拓宽,促进了三国经济和社会发展,维护了地区和平与稳定。三国利益密不可分,命运休戚相关、同舟共济、互利共赢的精神深入人心,这是我们继续