
来源 :上海生物医学工程通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gang098
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1987年2月23日下午,上海医疗器械行业假联谊俱乐部举行联谊会,市有关部门和市医药管理局等领导同志与来自工商企业、教学、科研单位的同行共聚一堂,商议筹组医疗器械行业协会。上海医疗器械厂、上海医用电子仪器厂、上海仪表厂等22个单位在会上向全行业发出了关于组建医疗器械行业协会的倡议,与会同志听取了协会筹备组组长、医药管理局医疗器械处薛伯卿处长关于前一阶段筹备情况的介绍和对协会章程(草案)的说明,还听取了市经委体改办张林俭同志和医药局党委书记谢天寿就有关行业协会与体制改革问题的讲话。通过这次联谊活动,行业协会开始进入正式组建阶段。 On the afternoon of February 23, 1987, the Shanghai Medical Device Industry False Friendship Club held a sorority affair. The leading comrades of the relevant departments of the city and the Pharmacy Administration of the city gathered with their counterparts from industrial and commercial enterprises, teaching and research institutes to discuss the establishment of the medical device industry. association. Twenty-two units including Shanghai Medical Instrument Factory, Shanghai Medical Electronic Instrument Factory, and Shanghai Instrument Factory sent an initiative to establish a medical device industry association to the whole industry at the meeting. The participating comrades listened to the head of the preparatory group of the Association, and the medical device of the Medical Administration Bureau. Director Xue Boqing’s presentation on the preparations for the previous phase and the explanation of the association’s articles of association (draft) also heard the speeches of Comrade Zhang Linxuan and Secretary of the Board of Pharmaceuticals Xie Tianshou of the Economic and Commercial Commission of the Municipal Economic Commission on the issues related to industrial associations and system reforms. Through this friendship event, industry associations began to enter the formal establishment phase.
波士顿爱乐乐团著名指挥Benjamin Zander在TED演讲《Classical Music and Shining Eyes(古典音乐和闪亮的眼睛)》时弹奏了肖邦的《Prelude in E Minor Op.28》。他说:“所以,
风能试验站是中央援藏四十三项工程之一,于1985年7月1日竣工,总建筑面积达1146. 5米~2。主楼有三层,配备了太阳能采暖设施。整个大楼是按风机测试、情报信息、培训维修三个