,The Preliminary Studies of Extract from Whey on Immunity and Antitumour Effect in Mice

来源 :美国中华健康卫生杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liushuaimin
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Objective To observed the effect of active material from whey on immune function, and antitumour effect in mice. Methods Ig or ip active material from whey on mouse of every group, determined its thymus index, spleen index,phagocytic function of MΦ and antitumour effect. Results Ig different dosage drug, spleen and thymus weight of mice increased ( P < 0.01 ) in test groups, phagocytic rate ( P < 0.01 ) and phagocytic index ( P < 0.01 ) differed significantly too. Ip drug, the active materialhad antitumor activity against tumour U14 and HepA of mice, inhibition rate to HepA was more obvious. Conclusion The active meterial from whey had immun potentiating function and antitumour effect.
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