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最新资料表明,全球每年约100万的女性死于乳腺癌。在西欧、北美等发达国家,乳腺癌发病率占女性恶性肿瘤首位。我国约有80%的成年女性患有不同程度的乳腺病,每年死于乳腺癌的人数多达20万,乳腺病呈“发病率逐年增高、低龄化和癌变比例逐年增高”特点,给女性健康带来了灾难性的恐慌。世界卫生组织已将乳腺癌列为威胁女性健康的头号杀手。2005年,国家卫生部疾控司委托中国抗癌协会主办的“中国百万妇女乳腺普查工程”正式启动。这一普查工程,将选择内地大、中城市一百家高资质医院作为普查定点医院,从2005年起到2010年,按国际标准,为100万名35至70岁的女性每人做四次乳腺检查,帮助预防乳腺癌,提高生活质量。本期对话特邀请西安交通大学医学院硕士、凤凰医药研究所周菊彦所长,和我们共同探讨有关乳腺病的诊断和治疗的话题。 The latest information shows that about 1 million women worldwide die of breast cancer each year. In Western Europe, North America and other developed countries, the incidence of breast cancer accounted for the first female malignant tumors. About 80% of our adult women in our country have different degrees of breast disease, and the number of people who die from breast cancer each year is as high as 200,000. The incidence of breast cancer is increasing year by year, and the proportion of younger patients and cancers is increasing year by year. Female health has brought catastrophic panic. The World Health Organization has listed breast cancer as the number one killer that threatens women’s health. In 2005, the “China Millions of Women Breast Census Project” sponsored by CDC of China Ministry of Health was officially launched. The census will select 100 high-quality hospitals in large and medium-sized cities of the Mainland as designated census hospitals. From 2005 to 2010, according to international standards, 1 million women aged 35 to 70 will do 4 Breast examination helps prevent breast cancer and improves quality of life. This session special invited Xi’an Jiaotong University School of Medicine Master, Institute of Phoenix Pharmaceutical Zhou Juyan Director, and we discuss the diagnosis and treatment of breast disease topics.
随着我国城市化进程的逐步加快,桥梁工程建设飞速发展,文章论述了施工前准备工作,施工重要,施工工艺等问题。对桥梁工程施工的技术要施工要素。 With the gradual accelerat