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中华人民共和国第五届全国人民代表大会第四次会议,审议了国务院提出的关于开展全民义务植树运动的议案.会议认为,植树造林,绿化祖国,是建设社会主义,造福子孙后代的伟大事业,是治理山河,维护和改善生态环境的一项重大战略措施.为了加速实现绿化祖国的宏伟目标,发扬中华民族植树爱林的优良传统,进一步树立集体主义、共产主义的道德风尚,会议决定开展全民性的义务植树运动.凡是条件具备的地方,年满十一岁的中华人民共和国公民,除老弱病残者外,因地制宜,每人每年义务植树三至五棵,或者完成相应劳动量的育苗、 The Fourth Meeting of the Fifth National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China examined the motion put forward by the State Council on carrying out the voluntary nationwide tree planting campaign and considered that afforestation and afforestation of the motherland is a great undertaking for building socialism and benefiting future generations. Is to govern mountains and rivers, to maintain and improve the ecological environment is a major strategic measure.In order to accelerate the realization of the grand goal of afforesting the motherland, carry forward the fine tradition of the Chinese nation afforestation, further establish collectivism, communist morality, the meeting decided to carry out the whole people Sexual obligatory afforestation campaigns Wherever conditions permit, people of the People’s Republic of China at the age of 11, in addition to the elderly and the sick, are required to plant three to five trees per year, or to complete nurturing of the corresponding labor force ,
同志们: 自治区人民政府召开的自治区林业会议今天开始了。 这次会议是在新疆各地传达、学习、贯彻六中全会精神的大好形势下召开的。党的六中全会对建国三十二年来作出了正
是在一个朋友的博客上听到艾莉森·克劳斯(Alison Krauss)的《When you say nothing at all》的,朋友是个对音乐有着天然的鉴赏力的人,她常常把一些美妙的音乐贴在博客里,供
A simple process for the deposition of CuInSe2 thin films was described. The CuInSe2 compound was prepared by selenization of Cu-In alloy precursors, which were