
来源 :城市规划汇刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahhfwwzy
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本文在分析90年代信息技术(IT,InformationTechnology)带给城市规划的机遇与挑战的基础上,以广州市为例.说明中国城市规划体系的形成与规划信息系统建设,重点介绍了该体系中控制性规划方法、规划信息系统的建设、城市设计、规划管理的规范化与办公自动化、区域可持续发展的理论指导与研究五个特点.接着用系统的观点,探讨了城市规划与信息技术的宏观、中观与微观整合.提出了优先建立分区规划信息系统的观点.以提高城市规划信息系统的智能水平为目标,将城市规划信息系统分为高、中、低三个不同特征的层次.指出我国大多数城市的城市规划信息系统建设还处在低层次,存在技术与非技术困难;需要认清信息技术的阶段增长模式,培育良好的管理环境;需要加强系统集成与动态管理,以提高城市规划信息系统的可操作性与智能水平;需要大力开展空间数据基础设施建设,加强多学科(multidisciplines)、多部门的合作,为区域持续发展服务. This article analyzes the opportunities and challenges brought by the information technology (IT, Information Technology) to urban planning in the 1990s, taking Guangzhou as an example. Explain the formation of China’s urban planning system and the development of planning information systems. The chapter focuses on the control planning methods, the construction of planning information systems, urban design, the standardization of planning management and office automation, and the theoretical guidance and research of regional sustainable development. Five features. Then from the point of view of the system, we discussed the macro, meso and micro integration of urban planning and information technology. Put forward the idea of ​​establishing a district planning information system. To improve the intelligence level of the urban planning information system, the urban planning information system is divided into three levels of high, medium, and low. It is pointed out that the urban planning information system construction in most cities in China is still at a low level, with technical and non-technical difficulties; the stage growth model of information technology needs to be clearly understood and a good management environment cultivated; the system integration and dynamic management need to be strengthened to improve The operability and intelligence level of the urban planning information system; the need to vigorously develop spatial data infrastructure, strengthen multidisciplines, multi-sector cooperation, and serve regional sustainable development.
由中国电化教育协会召开的中国电化教育学术讨论会(91·北京)于11月5日~8日在北京举行。 这是新近成立的中国电化教育协会举办的首届学术讨论会,来自广播电视大学、电化教育
Barrett食管(BE)是由于长期胃食管返流和返流性食管炎所引起的食管远端进行性柱状上皮化生。至于为何有些返流性食管炎病人发展为BE,而其他的却不 Barrett’s esophagus (B