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温州经济技术开发区是1992年3月16日经国务院批准建立的。它处于“东瓯名镇”--温州市东部,东西长3.25公里,南北宽为1.3公里。温州经济技术开发区和各兄弟开放城市的经济技术开发区相比虽起步较晚,但早在1987年,浙江省人民政府为了温州市对外开放的发展需要,在现开发区处批准建立了温州市出口工业区。经过近四年的努力,已经为开经区的设立与发展打下了坚实的基础。目前,温州经济技术开发区已逐步形成了交通便捷,通讯畅达,水电充裕,服务周到的投资环境。温州经济技术开发区享受国务院规定的沿海开放城市经济技术开发区所有政策。此外,温州市人民政府也制定了一系列鼓励外商投资的优惠措施,主要包 Wenzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone was established on March 16, 1992 with the approval of the State Council. It is in the “town of East Ou Ou” - the eastern part of Wenzhou City, east-west length of 3.25 km, north-south width of 1.3 km. Wenzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone and the sister cities of the economic and technological development zones compared to the late start, but as early as 1987, Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government for the opening up of Wenzhou City, the development needs in the development zone approved the establishment of Wenzhou City export industrial zone. After nearly four years of hard work, a solid foundation has been laid for the establishment and development of the Kai-Teng District. At present, Wenzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone has gradually formed an investment environment with convenient transportation, smooth communication, abundant hydropower and good service. Wenzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone enjoys all the policies of the State Economic and Technological Development Zone for Coastal Open Cities stipulated by the State Council. In addition, Wenzhou Municipal People’s Government also formulated a series of preferential measures to encourage foreign investment, the main package
Direct contract between the sealed liquid and the magnetic fluid in a dynamic system under magnetic field may lead to an unstable interface, consequently, break
速效救心丸是治疗冠心病、心绞痛、心肌梗死的滴丸型中成药,主要成分为川芎、冰片。临床应用中发现,它还可以治疗其他疾病。 痛经 利用速效救心丸中川芎的活血祛瘀、行气止
灭幼酮(商品名Applaud),是一种新型的昆虫生长调节剂。它是1983年由日本东京NihonNohyaku公司发现的,并发展为商品。其化学结构式为 Ovulin (brand name Applaud), is a ne
(一)水稻负泥虫Oulema oryzae(Kuwayama)是江西早稻秧田和本田期的常见食叶害虫。该虫由于年发生一代(现有二代说法);为害期在早稻的前、中期,似对产量影响不明显,因此常被
烟田常见的蝽类害虫主要有斑须蝽Dolycorisbaccarum(Linnaeus)和菜蝽(Eurydema Spp)(国内记载已知10余种)。但以斑须蝽发生较为普遍。据有关资料报道,近年来在安徽、山东、