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  在超过十年没有举办国际性国防展之后,希腊将于2020年6月22-24日在雅典举行雅典国际展览会(DEFEA),展会将在大都会博览中心举行。展会由希腊国防部兼国防投资和军备总局主办,ROTA Exhibitions展览公司承办,并获得希腊防务材料制造商联盟(SEKPY)支持。 该展览会旨在成为东南欧和东地中海地区国防领域标杆展会,将向希腊和国际防务界的专业观众展示希腊本土和各国的海陆空防务系统和国土安全产品。
  DEFEA to launch 2020
  After a more than 10 year absence from international defence exhibitions, Greece is returning to the market by organising Defence Exhibition Athens (DEFEA), scheduled to take place in Athens, from June 22 to 24, 2020 at Metropolitan Expo under the auspices of the Ministry of National Defence/General Directorate for Defence Investments and Armaments (GDDIA). It is organised by ROTA Exhibitions with the support of the Union of Greek Manufacturers of Defence Material(SEKPY). The exhibition, which aims to become a point of reference for South-Eastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean, will present land, sea, air defence systems and homeland security systems to a specialised audience from Greece and the international defence community. defea.gr/ DdefenceExhibitionAthens
  全球最大的消防和救援服务贸易展览会Interschutz,每五年在德国汉诺威举行。如今,展会将首次在美国举办子展。展会将由(HFUSA),德国将由德国汉诺威展览公司的美国子公司HFUSA主办。北美消防设备和安全展Interschutz USA将于2020年10月13日至17日在宾夕法尼亚州费城宾夕法尼亚州会议中心举行。为期五天的全新展会将包括消防设备将展示来自全球各地的消防产品和技术。 Interschutz USA将充分考虑美国消防服务的现有模式,并将展示消防员安全解决方案。
  Interschutz debuts in the U.S.
  Interschutz, the world’s largest trade show for fire and rescue services, taking place every five years in Hannover, Germany, is coming to the U.S. Organiser Hannover Fairs USA (HFUSA), the U.S. subsidiary of Hannover, Germany’s Deutsche Messe will debut Interschutz USA focused on the North American firefighting equipment and safety industry from October 13 to 17, 2020 in the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pa. The new five-day event will incorporate a global view of firefighting equipment and tactics.

  最新数据显示,法兰克福展览公司在2018年的业务体量保持全球第三的位置,仅位列英富曼和励展博览集团之后,并远远领先于德国竞争对手以及拥有自己的展馆的所有跨国贸易展览主办方。公司去年的销售额相比2017年增长了7%以上,实现了约7.18亿欧元的新销售记录。 相比2017年,净收入超过5000万欧元,年增长率约25%。。法兰克福展览公司总裁兼首席执行官Wolfgang Marzin表示,在2019财政年度,法兰克福展览计划在质量、数量和国际性方面继续增长。 “我们是许多市场的领先者,不仅仅是因为我们不断发展,更因为我们可持续地发展,并投资于未来。”他强调了该集团的主张。
  Messe Frankfurt continues to outpace competitors
  Messe Frankfurt is retaining its position in third place in a very challenging and international competitive environment (behind Informa and Reed) as well as being well ahead of German competitors and all worldwide trade fair companies that have their own exhibition infrastructure. It increased its sales by more than seven percent on 2017 and achieved a new sales record in 2018 of around 718 million euros. The consolidated annual net income for 2018 was more than 50 million euros, around 25 percent up on 2017. "EBITDA was at a record level of approximately 132 million euros", said Wolfgang Marzin, president and chief executive officer of Messe Frankfurt at the corporate press conference on June 27, 2019. During the current fiscal year, Messe Frankfurt intends to continue to grow in terms of quality, quantity and internationally. "We are the leaders in many markets, not least because we are constantly evolving, because we grow sustainably and because we invest in our future", he emphasised the group’s claim.
记者:请您简要介绍一下自身业务。  Todi:我们的网站10Times.com创立于2014年。全球的展会参与者可以在这里寻找到感兴趣的展会。在过去5年中,我们的业绩翻了好几番,总访问量超过50000万专业人次。  在最开始我们只是一个简单的展会搜索平台。如今,对于想要与同行面对面达成交易的商务人士,它已经演变成为一个重要的行业交流平台。我们的网站面向全世界,不仅服务印度本土的250多家主办方,也
According to CEO of ICC Sydney, Geoff Donaghy , the outbreak of COVID-19 is having a catastrophic impact on businesses, people and livelihoods in Australia and globally. Colleagues and friends in the
- UFI’s Global Barometer confirms positive operating profits for 2019  - Turnover expectations for 2020 – surveyed immediately before the coronavirus spread – are positive, but with strong levels of u
Gunther Beissel, Chief Executive Officer of the Malaysia International Trade & Exhibition Centre (MITEC), tells the reporter that effective 18 March 2020, the Malaysian Government has imposed a furthe
As one of the weathervanes of the global furniture fairs, the Salone del Mobile. Milano is an excellent stage to showcase creativity, innovation and outstanding quality. The international public visit
One of the core natures of exhibitions are that they are face-to-face platforms. It is a good thing that we can use technologies such as AI assistants to improve service efficiency. However, let us ne
编者按:作为全球最大的跨国会展企业之一,2018年,整个智奥会展集团的年营业额超过了10亿欧元。其中,“EXHIBITIONS – 展会主办”板块全年主办了超过300场会展活动。在中国,面对持续走强的会展市场,智奥会展在展会主办、场馆运营、活动管理等方面全面加快了业务发展。  记者:请您简要介绍智奥会展集团在去年的业务情况。  周建良:去年是智奥会展成立40周年,也是集团在巴黎上市20周年。201
德國展览公司将再次在2019年和2020年初在海外举办新的贸易展览会。这些展会分布在预计充满希望的目标市场或行业中。  新的展会将于9月11日和12日首次亮相:汉诺威展览公司的美国数字产业展将每两年举办一次。展会将举办于美国工业区中心城市路易斯维尔的肯塔基州国际会议中心。从那里,供应美国所有产能的四分之三的企业均在三小时内空运航程内。“美国数字产业专注于工业4.0技术和工业物联网的部署,”汉诺威展
KINTEX获得2019年UFI营销奖项  国际展览业协会在2019年6月11日公布,KINTEX(韩国国际展览中心)为2019年UFI市场营销奖的获奖者。  今年的颁奖活动邀请了展览业的市场营销专家分享他们的“最佳影响者宣传活动”。如今,最大的挑战是找出合适的影响者,并与他们建立联系。要做到这一点,人们需要一个有影响力的营销策略,确定正确的具有影响力的人,以及如何运用影响着将具有影响力的营销策略
非洲动漫展推出儿童大会  7月初,非洲动漫展Comic Con Africa 2019主办方发出邀请,欢迎儿童们参加展会同期会议——为期四天的KidsCon大会,这是一个适合家庭参加的板块。作为非洲第一个完全以儿童为焦点的会议,KidsCon大会将充分鼓励孩子们表现自己,展示个性,将“趣味和游戏”的展会关键词提升到了一个新的水平。 该活动定于2019年9月21日至24日在米德兰Gallagher会