Unusual presentation of cutaneous metastasis from bladder urothelial carcinoma

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdrtgwdrtwertwert
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Cutaneous metastases from urothelial carcinoma of the bladder are a rare disease. In previous reports, the most common metastatic cutaneous lesions were non-tender nodules on the abdominal skin. We report a patient with bladder urothelial carcinoma with cutaneous metastases initially presenting as right leg and suprapubic lymphedema. Bladder tumor was the incidental finding by magnetic resonance venography. Urothelial carcinoma (clinical stage IV) was diagnosed, and chemotherapy was performed. Extensive painful erythematous plaques with an erysipelas-like appearance located on the suprapubic area, chest and abdomen were noted, and cutaneous metastases were confirmed by histopathology. Subsequently, extensive scrotal and prepuce ulcerative changes developed. This paper reports a rare case of extensive cutaneous metastasis of bladder urothelial carcinoma who presented an interesting clinical course. Cutaneous metastases from urothelial carcinoma of the bladder are a rare disease. In previous reports, the most common metastatic cutaneous lesions were non-tender nodules on the abdominal skin. We report a patient with bladder urothelial carcinoma with cutaneous metastases initially presenting as right leg and suprapubic lymphedema. Bladder tumor was the incidental finding by magnetic resonance venography. Urothelial carcinoma (clinical stage IV) was diagnosed, and chemotherapy was performed. Extensive painful erythematous plaques with an erysipelas-like appearance located on the suprapubic area, chest and abdomen were noted. , and cutaneous metastases were confirmed by histopathology. Following paper: a extensive report of rare cut of extensive cutaneous metastasis of bladder urothelial carcinoma who presented an interesting clinical course.
患者女性,46岁。闭经3个月,阴道出血2个月,量增多1周。B超示子宫内膜厚1.5 cm,宫颈囊肿,双附件区未见异常。行宫腔镜+分段诊刮术。病理结果:(子宫腔)子宫内膜单纯性增生;(宫
患者女性,72岁。因查体发现下腹部包块2月余入院。妇科检查:外阴发育正常,阴道通畅,宫颈光滑,触血阴性。子宫扪及不清,盆腔内触及直径约20 cm的囊实性包块,固定,无触痛,子宫
Electrospun WO3 nanofibers were fabricated by coaxial electrospinning and directly annealing WCl6/polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) nanofibers on activated carbon fibr
常听一些即将或己经步入老年族的人说:“人老了,腿脚不利索了。”生活中也常见一些老年人走路不正常,诸如抬不起脚、打趔趄、腿软、站立不稳、步履维艰等。  根据老年人出现的这些现象,多年来有一种广为流传并被许多人认可的说法“人老腿先老”,意思是说,人的衰老首先从腿开始。  果真如此吗?请您读一读下面专家和读者的问答便知分晓。    问:“人老腿先老”的说法科学吗?  答:不科学。先让我给您讲讲我院急诊科