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2016年3月22日,初春的夜晚。微信收到的两条消息,让我在这个夜晚难以入眠。第一条是《解密》系列获得2015年度广播电视创新创优节目奖。第二条消息是歼十战斗机总设计师宋文骢去世,享年86岁。而宋老正是《解密中航工业》里的采访对象。 March 22, 2016, early spring night. WeChat received two messages, so I am hard to sleep on this night. The first is “Decryption” series won the 2015 annual radio and television innovation excellence award. The second piece of news is Jianshi fighter chief designer Song Wenli died at the age of 86. The Song and Lao is “decrypt AVIC” in the interview.
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该材料于1982年引自墨西哥国际玉米小麦改良中心耐热性筛选圃,经多年试种,表现丰产性较好,抗病性较强。 1.特征特性:芽鞘绿色,幼苗直立,株高98~100厘米,茎秆韧性较强,不易倒
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