
来源 :农村工作通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kzhengting
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建立健全党委抓农村基层组织建设的责任制,是近几年抓农村基层组织建设的一条重要经验。各级党委一定要在继续坚持、不断完善责任制上多下功夫。加强农村基层组织建设,要求各级党委必须加强领导,真正把这项工作摆上重要议事日程。落实农村基层党建工作责任制,首先必须抓好市(地)、县(市)委责任制的落实。中央明确提出,市(地)、县(市)两级党委都要把主要精力和工作重心放在农业和农村工作上。中央还强调,加强农村基层组织建设,县委是关健,县委书记是“第一责任人”。市(地)、县(市)委都要按照中央的要求,把农村基层组织建设扎扎实实 Establishing and perfecting the responsibility system that the party committees commit to the building of grassroots organizations in rural areas is an important experience in grasping the building of rural grass-roots organizations in recent years. Party committees at all levels must make more efforts in continuously adhering to and continuously improving the responsibility system. To strengthen the building of grassroots organizations in rural areas requires party committees at all levels to step up their leadership and really put this work on an important agenda. To implement the responsibility system for party-building in rural areas, we must first of all do a good job of implementing the responsibility system of the city (prefecture) and county (city) committees. The Central Committee stated clearly that the party committees at the municipal (prefectural) and county (city) levels should focus their energies and work on agriculture and rural work. The central authorities also stressed that to strengthen the building of rural grass-roots organizations, the county government is a key health authority and the county party secretary is the first responsible person. The municipal (prefecture) and county (city) commissions should, in accordance with the requirements of the central authorities, build a solid foundation for rural grassroots organizations
地球臭氧层损耗及大气光化学烟雾事等生态环境问题近年来引起世界范围的普遍关注,因为这直接关系到全人类的生存和可持续发展.该论文围绕这些问, 利用HeI紫外光电子能谱(PES)
热塑性弹性体(thermoplastic elastomer,TPE)具有物理交联的结构,因此在加工和循环使用方面比天然橡胶或者合成橡胶有明显的优势。在众多的TPE产品中,聚烯烃热塑性弹性体(TPO)备