
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songyuyue
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Objective This study was undertaken to determine whether there is a c orrelatio n between neonatal birth weight and an estimated or dye-determined amniotic flu id volume. Study design A prospective observational study of women undergoing an amniocentesis and subsequent delivery within 72 hours. Amniotic fluid volume wa s estimated using the amniotic fluid index (AFI) and single deepest pocket techn ique and calculated by the dye-dilution technique. Results One hundred seventy -five women participated in the study. Linear regression modelling showed no si gnificant relationship between birth weight and amniotic fluid volume adjusted f or gestational age (P=.062). Similarly, there was no evidence of an association between birth weight and a dye determined amniotic fluid volume (P=.180), fixed cutoffs for the AFI (P=.224), percentiles for the AFI (P=.112), or fixed cutof fs for the single deepest pockets (P=.867). Conclusion Neonatal birth weight is not correlated with a dye-determined or ultrasound estimated amniotic fluid vol ume. Objective This study was undertaken to determine whether there is ac orrelatio n between neonatal birth weight and an estimated or dye-determined amniotic flu id volume. Study design A prospective observational study of women undergoing an amniocentesis and subsequent delivery within 72 hours. Amniotic fluid volume wa s estimated using the amniotic fluid index (AFI) and single deepest pocket technique and calculated by the dye-dilution technique. Results One hundred seventy -five women participated in the study. Linear regression modeling no si gnificant relationship between birth weight and amniotic fluid volume adjusted f or gestational age (P = .062). Similarly, there was no evidence of an association between birth weight and a dye-determined amniotic fluid volume (P = .180), fixed cutoffs for the AFI (P =. 224), percentiles for the AFI (P = .112), or fixed cut of fs for the single deepest pockets (P = .867). Conclusion Neonatal birth weight is not correlated with a dye-determined or ultrasound estimated amniotic fluid vol ume.
Hierarchical dendritic micro–nano structure Zn Fe_2O_4 have been prepared by electrochemical reduction and thermal oxidation method in this work. X-ray diffrac
现将注射维生素K1后致局部严重迟缓反应5例报道如下。5例病人均系患慢性胆囊炎并结石,术前常规用药。用法:维生素K1 20 mg臀大肌注射,qd,连续使用3~5 d行手术。5例病人于肌注给
1月10日凌晨零时1分,中国民俗学之父,中国民间文学的泰斗,诗人、教育家、北京师范大学钟敬文教授走完了他100年的人生里程,永远合上了那双充满睿智的眼睛。 消息传来,我们是