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麻城县东河公社种植板栗历史悠久,年产鲜栗一百余万斤,群众积累有丰富的栽培经验。现将其嫁接技术,总结简介如下:一、蓄护栗苗东河公社队队都有板栗,村前村后山边地角都生有大量野生栗苗。这些栗苗一般都生长较快,抗逆性强,但结的栗子小,产量低。利用野生栗苗进行嫁接,可以迅速提高板栗的产量和质量,历来群众都有习惯。各生产队都认真贯彻执行“以粮为纲,全面发展”的方针,订立了封山育林和蓄树制度,干部群众在割田埂,刮地岸,砍烧柴时,都十分注意蓄留板栗实生苗,并进行去杂垦复,疏松土壤,促进生长。近几年来,各队积极开展育苗移栽和直播造林,建立成片板栗基地。 Macheng County East River commune planting chestnut has a long history, with an annual output of more than one hundred kilograms of fresh chestnuts, the masses have accumulated rich experience in cultivation. Now grafting technology, summarized as follows: First, chestnut Li Miaodu East River commune teams have chestnuts, village before the village after the hillside corner have a lot of wild chestnut seedlings. These chestnut seedlings are generally faster growth, resistance strong, but the knot of chestnuts small, low yield. The use of wild chestnut seedlings for grafting can rapidly increase the yield and quality of chestnut, which has always been the habit of the masses. All production teams conscientiously implemented the principle of “taking grain as the key link and all-round development” and concluded the system of closing off hills for afforestation and tree-keeping. The cadres and masses are paying great attention to preserving the seedlings of chestnuts when they cut their fields, scrape the land and cut firewood. , And go to miscellaneous reclamation, loose soil, promote growth. In recent years, the teams actively carry out seedling transplanting and live afforestation, the establishment of a chestnut base into tablets.
许多人买回西瓜后,不是立即就吃,而是放入冰箱冷藏后再吃,以求凉快。可长时间吃冰西瓜会损伤脾胃。西瓜性寒,味甜。西瓜切开后经较长时间冷藏,瓜瓤表 Many people buy water
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