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1998年8月17日,江苏省级机关首次进行大规模政府采购招标,一次性竞标采购公务用车60辆,车型分别为桑塔纳、红旗、奥迪及面包车,共有14家供应商参加投标。这是该省继泰州、宿迁两市政府采购之后,向全国推行政府采购制度迈出的重要一步。在此之前,我国广东、上海、重庆、河北等省、市,均就建立政府采购制度进行了有益探索,成为社会各界广泛关注和评说的热点话题。 接轨国际势在必行 政府采购也称公共采购,是指各级政府为开展日常政务活动或为公众提供服务,以公开招标为主要方式,从国内外市场为财政开支单位统一购买商品或劳务的行为。早在200年前英国即成立文具公用采购局,负责政府部门所需物资和办公用品的采购,首开政府采购 On August 17, 1998, Jiangsu provincial authorities conducted the first bidding for large-scale government procurement and bid for one-time bidding for 60 official vehicles, with Santana, Hongqi, Audi and van respectively. A total of 14 suppliers participated in the bidding. This is an important step taken by the province following the government procurement in Taizhou and Suqian and the government procurement system throughout the country. Prior to this, the provinces and cities of Guangdong, Shanghai, Chongqing and Hebei all conducted useful explorations on the establishment of a government procurement system and became a hot topic of widespread concern and commentary in the community. It is imperative to integrate with the rest of the world Government procurement, also known as public procurement, refers to the government at all levels in order to carry out daily government activities or to provide services to the public, open bidding as the main way, from domestic and foreign markets for the unified financial expenditure units to purchase goods or services behavior. As early as 200 years ago, the United Kingdom set up a Stationery Public Procurement Bureau, which was responsible for the procurement of supplies and office supplies required by the government departments. It first opened government procurement
<正> 柳毒蛾(Leacoma salicis L.)又名柳叶毒蛾和柳毛虫,属于鳞翅目、毒蛾科。在河北省涉县、易县、天津市、北戴河、茨榆坨和张家口专区坝上各县均有分布,主要为害杨柳科树
消解乡镇债务的良方,从中央到地方开出一张又一张。在曾参与起草中央农业文件农村问题专家陆学艺眼里,都是权宜之计。要计长远,就得对“病灶”开刀 Elimination of township
本文对瑞士医疗机构质量项目数据库进行了概要介绍 This article provides an overview of the Swiss Medical Institution Quality Project Database
1964年5月14日,我们在山东济宁专区蝗虫工作基点(设在南阳湖农场),曾看到有一种蚂蚁取食刚孵化的蝗蝻。 此种蚂蚁体长约4毫米,体色有棕褐色和黑褐色两种,学名尚待鉴定。 夏
在田间调查或在诱虫灯下认虫和室内分虫,常遇到一些难以区别的昆虫。如果不仔细鉴定,往往容易认错种类,影响试验结果 In the field investigation or insects trap insects
问:既然甘薯秧苗的绿色部份也可能带有黑斑病菌,那么高剪苗的防病作用如何?怎样才能提高高剪苗的防病效果? Q: Since the green part of the sweet potato seedlings may a