The Cognitive View on Metaphor

来源 :陕西教育·理论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ljyxq13571302523
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Metaphor is not the patent in rhetoric field, but extends to linguistics and cognitive psychology. This paper explores the metaphor from a brand new perspective of cognition. It begins with the cognitive basis of metaphor, and then has a tentative approach to the relationship between metaphor and cognition from different angels such as metaphor and cognitive model; metaphor and mental perception, also the influence of metaphor on the society. The author finally discusses the acquisition of metaphor. Metaphor is not the patent in rhetoric field, but extends to linguistics and cognitive psychology. This paper explores the metaphor from a brand new perspective of cognition. It begins with the cognitive basis of metaphor, and then has a tentative approach to the relationship between metaphor and cognition from different angels such as metaphor and cognitive model; metaphor and mental perception, also the influence of metaphor on the society. The author finally discusses the acquisition of metaphor.
编剧:王十令/导演:巴特尔/摄影:黄庆诚(台湾)/录音:关键/美术:刘 阳/主演:赵阳、商蓉、王戎、王虎城 公元756年,由于“马嵬兵变”,唐肃宗就帝位。这些变局均是由宦官李 辅国
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