Physical Simulation of Nonmetallic Particle Movement in Al Melt under Electromagnetic Field

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Physical simulation is used to study the movement of nonmetallic particles in Al melt in electro- magnetic field. It is found that the terminal velocity of particles in different Reynolds number range has different functions. By confirming drag force coefficient of nonmetallic particles with Reynolds number in the range of 0.2-10 and 10-25 respectively, two functions of terminal ve- locity for spherical nonmetallic particles have been got accordingly, which provide a theoretical basis for separating nonmetallic inclusions from Al melt in electromagnetic field. Physical simulation is used to study the movement of nonmetallic particles in Al melt in electro- magnetic field. It is found that the terminal velocity of particles in different Reynolds number range has different functions. By confirming drag force coefficient of nonmetallic particles with Reynolds number in the range of 0.2-10 and 10-25 respectively, two functions of terminal ve-locity for spherical nonmetallic particles have been got accordingly, which provide a theoretical basis for separating nonmetallic inclusions from Al melt in electromagnetic field.
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