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目的为了规范填写临床输血申请单,保障输血安全,减少医患纠纷。方法回顾性调查3家医院2009年9月-2011年8月18 411份输血申请单中填写缺陷的情况。结果 18 411份临床输血申请单填写合格13 333份,合格率为72.42%,有填写缺陷5078份,占27.58%。5078份共有8237处缺陷,以Hb、Hct、HIV、HCV、HbsAg、ALT、梅毒等检查结果漏填最多,占27.57%。输血同意书签字、输血史、妊娠史漏填或错填次之,占24.48%。患者血型、预约输血时间、血液成分、数量、单位漏填或错填居第三位,占21.17%。结论临床输血申请单填写存在缺陷,是引发医患纠纷的隐患,应引起医院管理部门、临床科室、供血科室管理人员、医生、护士、检验人员的高度重视。加强对输血相关科室工作人员的培训,提高专业技术水平及用血监督管理水平,建立健全各种规章制度,使临床输血工作制度化、规范化、秩序化,是提高输血申请单填写质量的有效措施,也是避免因输血产生医疗纠纷最有力的保障。 Objective To standardize the application forms for clinical transfusion, to ensure the safety of blood transfusion and reduce disputes between doctors and patients. Methods A retrospective survey of 18 411 transfusions in 3 hospitals from September 2009 to August 2011 was completed. Results A total of 13,333 applications for clinical transfusion were completed. The pass rate was 72.42%. There were 5078 defects, accounting for 27.58%. There were 8237 defects in 5078 samples, with the largest number of leaks in Hb, Hct, HIV, HCV, HbsAg, ALT and syphilis, accounting for 27.57%. Blood transfusion signed consent, history of blood transfusion, missed or filled in pregnancy history, accounting for 24.48%. Patient blood type, blood transfusion time, blood composition, quantity, unit fill in or fill in the third place, accounting for 21.17%. Conclusion The defects of clinical transfusion request form are the hidden dangers of doctor - patient dispute, which should attract the attention of hospital management department, clinical department, management department of blood supply department, doctors, nurses and inspectors. Strengthen the training of transfusion related department staff, improve the professional technical level and the level of blood supervision and management, establish and improve various rules and regulations, and make the clinical transfusion work institutionalized, standardized and orderly, which is an effective measure to improve the quality of blood transfusion application form filling , But also to avoid the most powerful guarantee for medical disputes arising from blood transfusions.
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