Modeling and optimal design of multilayer thermal cantilever microactuators

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maomao0464
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A model of curvature and tip deflection of multilayer thermal cantilever actuators is derived.The sim-plified expression received from the model avoids inverting complex matrices enhances understanding and makes it easier to optimize the structure parameters.Experiment is performed,the modeled and experimental results demonstrate the validity of the model,and it also indicates that Young's module makes great contribution to the deflection;therefore,thin layers cannot be ignored arbitrarily. A model of curvature and tip deflection of multilayer thermal cantilever actuators is derived. The sim-plified expression was received from the model avoids inverting complex matrices enhances understanding and makes it easier to optimize the structure parameters. Experiment performed, the modeled and experimental results demonstrate the validity of the model, and it also said that Young's module makes great contribution to the deflection; therefore, thin layers can not be ignored arbitrarily.
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