Translation Study : Perspective of Chinese Literature and Culture

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  【Abstract】Culture is a significant symbol of a nation’s soft power. Every nation wants to break the limits of boundary and region to spread its literature and culture in the world. Only when the cultural concept and value are spread and recognized by the international society can the country’s culture become the real soft power. However, cultural communication is not an ideal process. To get rid of the predicament of being subject to other countries, the writer came up with several methods to proactively disseminate Chinese culture.
  【Key words】Chinese literature; culture translation; translatability; translation methods.
  I. Current Situation and Prospect of Chinese Culture and Literary Translation
  The essence of language and literature is culture. Translating Chinese culture is an important method to disseminate Chinese culture. Nevertheless, the imported books in China are mainly from western countries. From 1900 to 2010, nearly 100,000 western books have been translated into Chinese while only less than 500 Chinese books are introduced to China. Each year China imports around 150 books from the United States while less than 10 books are introduced to China.
  In recent years, Mo Yan, Han Shaogong and Yang Mu have won the United States Newman Prize for Literature. Besides, Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for literature in 2012. It can be seen that a batch of Chinese writers have done well in the western literature world and their work have been translated and disseminated continually. Therefore, some people may think that Chinese literature has entered into the world. However, another fact should also be kept in mind, that is, nowadays, more than 70% of book copyright export flows into Hongkong, Taiwan and Southeast Asia.
  Chinese and foreign exports including Ge Haowen and Ma Yueran pointed out that Chinese translation literature enjoys little sale and reputation in western countries especially in English speaking countries. Expert Wang once said “If the sale volume of a Chinese translation work can reach 2,000 to 3,000 in the United states and European countries, it is fairly good and successful. ” Jiang Fangzhou once siad“the work of foreign writers like the Japanese writer Murakama sells quite well. Even in a small country like Norway, the sales volume can reach 100,000 while the translation work of Chinese book can reach little people in foreign countries. ” Hence, it is urgent for Chinese literature to go out and go global which in turn requires the translation study of Chinese literature.   II. Analysis the reasons from the success of Mo Yan’s work
  2.1 The Influence of Contextual Culture on Chinese Literary Translation
  Mo Yan’s novels are translated by well-known sinologists and translators. In terms of language proficiency, there are a lot of translators in China who are as good as foreign translators. But they enjoy advantages in terms of subtle linguistic habits, unique language preference and subtle aesthetic taste of target readers. That’s why Chinese literature which is translated by foreign translators better meet target readers requirement. Some people may not fully understand this. They think that foreign translators can not understand the original text as well as Chinese translators and can not compete with Chinese translators in terms of expression.
  2.2 Cultural Transposition
  There is the fact that Chinese readers receive foreign literature and culture through the translation of Chinese translators instead of foreign translators. For example, when two versions of Balzac’s novel are presented to you with one translated by a French sinologist and another translated by Fu Lei, which one would be better option? Indeed, the latter overwhelm the first one. Practically speaking, most countries and nations in the world receive foreign literature and culture by the translation of native translators, which is a fundamental rule in literature, culture and transnational translation.
  2.3 Cultural Substitution and Translatability
  The third reason brought by Moyan’s success comes from the translatability of the work itself and the cultural substitution of the translation. The “translatability” here does not refer to the degree of difficulty. It considers whether the original style, creation style and the original taste can be transferred or not. It focuses on the understanding and acceptance of the target readers. For example, some novels are known for their unique style and secular language which impress Chinese readers most. Nonetheless, the translated version barely has the secular language and foreign readers can not have the same feelings as Chinese readers. The translation version of Mo Yan’s work not only meet the literature standard of western society but also conforms to western expectation for Chinese literature. Therefore, a conclusion can be drawn that the work that can be well accepted in foreign countries should be translated first when translating Chinese literature and Chinese culture.   2.4 In-Coming Translation and Out-Coming Translation
  The forth reason is the strategy taken between in-coming translation and out-coming translation. Few attention is paid to the two kinds of translation due to the misunderstanding of the essence of translation. In-coming translation is a translation activity in which a country or a nation has a strong desire for foreign literature and culture. And out-coming translation is another translation activity in which a country or a nation voluntarily translation its own literature and culture to foreign countries and people in these countries may not have enough interest in it. Therefore, in terms of in-coming translation, the initiator of the translation and translators only need to focus on how to achieve faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance while translating without considering other elements that may impact translation effect. For them, a “qualified work” can win both readers, markets and even influence in some degree.
  III. Conclusion
  Through the narration and statement above, the author thinks that apart from translation skills and method, the effect of translated Chinese literature and culture matters most. To achieve this, there are several methods listed above.
  Firstly, great attention must be paid to sinologists. Although they may make some mistakes or omit some important points while translating Chinese literature and classics due to the incomprehensive understanding of Chinese culture, they know better than Chinese translators in terms of understanding target readers’ interests and expectations. Besides, foreign literature work that Chinese readers read is translated by Chinese translators rather than sinologists. That’s because Chinese translators know what Chinese readers expect. Many Chinese readers like to read Fu Lei’s translation work because of its domestic flavor and taste. A foreign sinologist may understand better than Fu Lei in terms of the comprehension of the original text, but his Chinese version may seem to be a little strange to Chinese readers. Therefore, foreign sinologists must be encouraged to play their role in the dissemination of Chinese literature and culture.
  Secondly, Chinese government should set up a special fund to encourage and help foreign sinologists and translators to dedicate themselves to translating Chinese literature and culture. The government can list the books that need to be translated and then leave them for foreign sinologists and translators to bid. Those who get the bid shall not only in charge of the translation part but also the publication in their own countries. Therefore, the translated Chinese literature work can be well circulated and received in foreign countries.   Thirdly, more than one permanent discussion bases should be set up in carefully selected places. This kind of discussion base is similar to “translation summer camp”. Relevant department shall invite sinologits and translators from home and abroad to attend the seminar and live in this area for around two months during which exports can meet together and discuss the problems they encountered while translating.
  However, in light of the time gap and language gap, it is impossible for China to have a large number of sinologists. Therefore, Chinese translators shall play their role in disseminating Chinese literature and culture through proper methods and ways and make their own contribution. In fact, the communication and dissemination of Chinese literature and culture requires efforts from both sides.
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【摘要】随着小学教育的快速发展,为了进一步推动小学英语教学活动的开展,小学英语教师应该加强创新教学方法,以此来提升小学英语教学质量以及小学生的英语学习能力。其中,思维导图在小学英语课堂教学中的应用,就能够有效地提高学生的英语学习能力。基于此,文中重点分析了运用思维导图培养小学生英语学习能力的具体策略。  【关键词】思维导图;小学生;英语学习能力;策略  【作者简介】韦知发,广东省肇庆市怀集县中洲镇
【摘要】法律文本是承载着法律信息、意义,贯彻了法律意志的文本,法律文本翻译是实现国与国之间交流、完善本国法律体系的主要媒介,汉英法律翻译文本是法律信息在中英文字符方面的转化,各种文化、思维、习惯等的差异都会导致字符转化过程中的语意差异。基于此,本文就《出境入境管理法》英译本若干问题的解决办法进行探析。  【关键词】出境入境管理法;英译本问题;解决办法  【作者简介】朱洁(1985-),女,汉族,江
【摘要】最近几年,在全世界教育范围内兴起一种名为“创客”的教学方法,是一种创客文化与教学的具体结合,为教育界展示了一种全新的教学方式,也带来了一场改革。下面文章就创客教育与初中英语写作教学的具体结合展开具体讨论。  【关键词】初中英语;写作教学;创客教育  【作者简介】王忠良,安徽省阜阳市临泉县迎仙中心校。  初中英语写作的教学过程是一个考验词汇量的过程,这个过程是枯燥乏味的。而创客教育的核心主要
现在大家对小学生思维品质培养的重要性和必要性已经逐渐达成了共识,《英语课程标准(2011年版)》明确提出:“英语课程承担着培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力的任务”。英语课程目标不只是让学生掌握基本的语言知识,发展基本的听、说、读、写技能,更应体现在促进学生的心智发展,塑造健康的品格,培养思维能力方面。  2016年9月,《中国学生发展核心素养》研究成果正式发布,其中英语学科核心素养就包括思维
【摘要】英语凭借国际语言的身份,使得其口语技能成为各行各业精英必不可少的技能。特别是对于英语专业的学生而言,更需要注重英语口语能力的培养。而学习动机影响学习状况。故而教师在教学过程中需要帮助学生保持良好的学习动机。本文具体研究基于口头报告的大学英语口语学习动机行动,旨在帮助学生提高口语能力。  【关键词】大学英语口语;口头报告;学习动机  【作者简介】闫东芝,内蒙古师范大学青年政治学院。  各行业
【摘要】初中是培养学生学习能力的关键时期,另外,英语作为初中教学中的一门主要学科,既有助于培养学生的语言理解能力,同时还能够有效提高他们的归纳和逻辑推理能力。为此,在开展初中英语教学的过程中,教师应该积极采用多样化的教学手段来培养学生的自主学习能力,以此来提升他们的综合素质。  【关键词】初中英语教学;学生自主学习能力;培养  【作者简介】冯媛,西安铁一中分校。  自主学习能力主要指学生独立学习与
【摘要】当今,在大学课堂上使用手机和平板电脑等智能手持教学辅助设备已经成了一种趋势。而蓝墨云班课作为一款移动端教学助手软件,它不但为师生提供了丰富的教学内容,使师生成为对等的交流者,也使学生之间有了更多的学习交流,它不仅为教学课堂提供了签到、提问、讨论、头脑风暴、投票、测试等活动,强化了大学课堂的碎片化教学,也为大学英语的教学改革提供了良好的自主学习平台。  【关键词】蓝墨云班课;大学英语  【作
【摘要】新课改不断推行下,作为初中教育的关键学科,英语教学需要考虑的改革要求也越来越多,其中作为课堂教学活动的一个关键环节,课堂导入水平的高低,不论是对学生学习、参与积极性的调动,还是对课堂教学质量都发挥着决定性作用。因此,为了取得理想的教育培养成果,其教师应积极探索、尝试更新颖有效的课堂导入策略方法。  【关键词】初中英语;课堂教学;导入方法  【作者简介】李萍,江苏省海安市城南实验中学。  新