Bilingual Cultural Differences and Communication

来源 :河南教育学院学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq479255
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For historical, regional or other reasons, there are some great differences between the Chinese and the English culture. Generally, the keynote of the western culture is the superiority of lust, while the Chinese culture stresses on reservation and compromise. The westerners emphasize individualism, while the Chinese lay stress on context. Different cultures contribute to different habits, characters and behaviors as well as different registers. Cultural differences can directly lead to information loss, information misleading, thus result in obstacles in communication. This essay will have a detailed analysis on the cultural differences and their influence on communication. For historical, regional or other reasons, there are some great differences between the Chinese and the English culture. Generally, the keynote of the western culture is the superiority of lust, while the Chinese culture stresses on reservation and compromise. The westerners emphasize individualism, while the Chinese lay stress on context. Different patterns contribute to different habits, characters and behaviors as well as different registers. Cultural differences can directly lead to information loss, information misleading, thus result in obstacles in communication. This essay will have a detailed analysis on the cultural differences and their influence on communication.
传说,在水沛草肥、景色秀丽的终南山麓,生长着一种快乐藤,谁得到了这种快乐藤,便会天天喜形于色、笑逐颜开,永远不知烦恼为何物。 一个终日郁郁寡欢、闷闷不乐的年轻人,为了
工业电炉中的线圈,这里指的是感应电炉中感应器的线圈和大功率电弧炉中电磁搅拌器定子的线圈。在此,结合我厂生产实际,仅就它们的绝缘处理作一简略介绍。 感应器线圈是感应