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  1. We had three absences today, which is___________. Usually, everyone is present.
  A. abnormal B. advanced C. amusing D. astonished
  2. There is no___________standard for beauty.
  A. relative B. absolute C. determined D. unforgettable
  3. The best way to___________your goal is to raise the efficiency of your work.
  A. conduct B. aim C. undertake D. accomplish
  4. Problems may not___________, but there’s no harm in keeping our powder dry.
  A. advance B. announce C. arise D. astonish
  5. Recent developments in___________have made it possible to detect planets in our own Milky Way and in other galaxies.
  A. survey B. agriculture C. spaceship D. astronomy
  6. As you walk to the doors they___________open, and as you enter they close after you in the same way.
  A. curiously B. consequently C. automatically D. frequently
  7. He painted the picturesque fishing village in the___________with calm water.
  A. Bible B. bay C. dirt D. web
  8. The seeds of coffee plants are usually called coffee___________.
  A. fruits B. beans C. nuts D. shells
  9.___________to greet a lady is now an obsolete(过时的) custom.
  A. Whispering B. Saluting C. Smiling D. Bowing
  10. The war was a terrible___________in which many people died and many buildings were destroyed.
  A. catastrophe B. defence C. battle D. campaign
  11. The streets in big cities are often___________with cars in the rush hour.
  A. stopped B. held C. choked D. covered
  12. Due to___________beyond our control the lecture was cancelled.
  A. circumstances B. opportunities C. consideration D. compositions
  13. By a strange___________we happened to be travelling on the same train.
  A. incident B. accident C. occasion D. coincidence
  14. I have a___________to him to pay all of the debt.
  A. consideration B. commitment C. curiosity D. determination
  15. The___________is an instrument of navigation.
  A. cottage B. campus C. compass D. cucumber
  16. He had been ill for a long time and___________he was behind in his work.
  A. frequently B. faithfully C. consequently D. particularly
  17. It is believed that the sun gets its energy from thermonuclear(热核的) reactions___________taking place within it.
  A. briefly B. constantly C. consistently D. continually
  18. Nobody can___________the fact that English has become the world’s truly universal language.
  A. admit B. deny C. defend D. acknowledge   19.___________your fingers in to see how hot the water is.
  A. Dip B. Dig C. Drop D. Involve
  20. She gently wiped the___________off the surface of the furniture with a napkin.
  A. dark B. dusk C. dust D. data
  21. The United States today closed its___________in Syria and pulled out all its diplomats.
  A. employee B. ambassador C. diploma D. embassy
  22. An orphanage is a public___________for the care and protection of children without parents.
  A. instrument B. instruction C. institution D. exhibition
  23. Scientists are___________to find out the cause of the crash.
  A. investigating B. engaging C. convincing D. complaining
  24. His cousin was upset as he had got___________in a road accident.
  A. related B. trapped C. included D. involved
  25. When you withdraw money, the bank compares your___________with the one in its files to see if it is entirely true.
  A. sign B. signal C. signature D. spelling
  26. He___________the soup by putting in too much salt accidentally.
  A. spoiled B. damaged C. injured D. harmed
  27. The average output of the factory employees is___________increasing.
  A. faithfully B. steadily C. costly D. stately
  28. The magazine is trying to get more readers to___________to it.
  A. determine B. describe C. subject D. subscribe
  29. In this book, the author and biologist___________recent developments in ecology.
  A. searches B. surveys C. subscribes D. subtracts
  30. The heart is a(n)___________organ. It is of absolute importance to our body and life.
  A. vital B. energetic C. living D. lively
  31. I___________to the hostess about her dog barking all night long.
  A. composed B. considered C. complained D. contributed
  32. Before the end of the programme, let’s take a___________at the sports news briefly.
  A. glare B. glance C. stare D. watch
  33. There are___________differences between your philosophical beliefs and mine. That’s why we can’t agree with each other.
  A. fortunate B. functional C. fundamental D. flexible
  34. In English law a man is regarded innocent until he is proved___________.
  A. guilty B. ashamed C. legal D. wrong
  35. No one has come up with a___________explanation of why dinosaurs died out.
  A. witnessing B. unbelievable C. transforming D. convincing
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今天,姥爷来了。妈妈要和我进行厨艺比赛,由我亲爱的姥爷当品尝师。  厨房里热火朝天的干劲连天上的神仙也挡不住。我做的是丝瓜炒蛋,而妈妈做的是红烧猪蹄。  我预先准备好两根丝瓜,手执削皮器使出了一招“兵不血刃”,丝瓜穿的“绿色铠甲”立刻成条状被削了下来。首战告捷,再接再厉,我从冰箱里拿了三个鸡蛋,都是大个的。我把它们打碎后放进碗里,用搅拌器又狠又快地搅了起来,瞬间鸡蛋好像变成了土豆泥。接着我切了葱花
没有一个孩子不惧怕黑夜,可天才的梅瑟·迈尔却把孩子的这种恐惧心理别出心裁地写成了一个让人捧腹大笑的故事。  在这个以小男孩第一人称自叙的故事里,一切的孤独、不安与恐惧都被推到了那扇壁橱门的背后——不是门背后住着一群妖魔鬼怪,在这本书的扉页上我们已经瞥见了,门里杂乱地丢着一堆玩具和衣物。是門通向另外一个黑暗的世界,一个噩梦的世界。只要一关灯,噩梦就会破门而出……小男孩不但幻想门背后有一条长长的隧道,