A mother’s interesting creation—an idiom story collection not to be missed

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  Idioms, like a sea pearl, having experienced numerous revisions and are well known by the public.
  Idiom books, like the lush grass on the plain, growing year after year, here and there.
  Then where is the necessity of publishing this idiom book?
  Any what’s the difference between this one and the others?
  The reason for it comes early. Several years before, I rummaged through the idiom story books on the market, trying to select some reading materials for my son, but found they were almost in the same kind of conventional writing style and binding of poor quality. I got quite reconciled, and finally unbearable, and then decided to write my own book - Cool Chinese Idioms.
  Reason one for choosing this book – it is so fun!
  This can be seen from the titles of the stories:
  Shut one’s door and reflect on one’s misdeeds - The rude of inflicting an injury on Han Shuji to win the confidence tortured to the win the confidence of the enemy.
  Tremble with fear - An idiom from decapitating.
  Stand like a log - How to be the first of the Cock.
  Overwhelming popularity of a New York causing shortage of printing paper - The history of the first successful hype of the Chinese publishing.
  They are lighthearted, interesting but not bad-taste spoof, which evokes the readers to smile or laugh while reading it.
  Reason two for choosing this book – it includes more details!
  The aim of writing this book is never just to amuse the readers with simple stories but trying to include more details about each story.
  When I was a young child, I also loved listening to my nom telling stories, and I just kept asking what happened next as the stories didn’t tell much enough to me. And now when I read the present idiom stories, I found they haven’t changed much and there’s still a question on my mind: what happened next?
  Cao Chong weighed the elephant when he was only five years old and demonstrated his extraordinary talent, but what happened to him after?
  Kong Rong modestly declined the bigger pear for his brother and showed good morals when he was only four years old, but what happened to him after?
  Then I took those questions and began my exploration in idioms.
  And then I learned that Cao Chong died of sickness at 13.
  Kong Rong became opposed to the conventions and feudal filial piety when he grew up.
  And also I gradually knew that “motionless as a wooden chicken” (dāi ruò mù jī) that means “be dumbstruck” was originally used to compliment a master, “to swagger through the streets” (zhāo yáo guò shì) that means “show off” is a "scandal story" about Confucius, and the hero of “dripping water can wear away rock” (shuī dī shí chuān) that means “little strokes fell great oaks” was "the father of world banknotes" ... idioms then have become never a combination of four simple characters with dull literal explanations - there are leaves and roots stretching out form them, which have connected the five thousand years of China.
  So here in this book, idioms return to the original stories which are told with humorous and fluent language, and the protagonists of the idioms become vivid in historical stories. The book also introduces a creation of "idiom identity card" design, which leads to expansions of idioms and helps the readers to know more about them. However, the most important aim of this book is to motivate the readers’ heart for knowledge gaining, and after reading this book, they could bring up the habit of asking why towards more things that they’ll experience in life.
  This is all about the book Cool Chinese Idioms, a fine combination of "humor" and "knowledge" and a book that you have never read before. Do not miss it!
九宫绕花桩,在流通门拳术入门十二桩中,可谓是精华部分。按此桩练习纯熟,与九宫穿击桩相辅相成,运用灵活时,可力战群敌,躲闪逼进,背身化敌之妙。身、手、步运动成螺旋,即“任他巨力来攻打,旋转变化到彼身”。当然,技法是千变万化的,练习与应用要分开,不可死搬套路练习时的固定动作招式,就是说,取其意而不可固其形;下面遂按套路的程序,将其技法应用浅解,以供参考。  1、进步印掌:临阵对敌时。当对方前进右步用右
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一、拳击的攻防练习    1、左手在前的进攻姿势(图1)实战写真。  2、左手为掌,右手为拳的进攻姿势(图2)写真。  3、进攻沙袋时的练习,身体重心前倾(图3)。  4、双人配合练习时的姿势(图4)。  5、对方冲左直拳击来,进攻者可利用对方击拳的时机,出右直拳直击对方下巴(图5)。  6、拳与掌之间的交换姿势(图6)。  7、下沉式的击拳动作姿势(图7)。  8、重心在后的击拳与掌截的击拳姿势
拳击实战训练与运用的方法(上)      一、拳击实战训练的意义    实战的目的在于把所学到的技术动作和战术手段应用在实战演习与比赛上。因此,要以参加正式比赛的态度来进行实战练习。  实战练习所用的手套一般为375克(每只)以上重的手套,在实战练习中应运用自己所掌握的特殊技术动作来应战对方,不可只用重拳,而要用技术动作来提高实战的技能和增长实战的经验。  进行实战练习必须目的明确,要通过实战进一
五行拳,原为形意拳核心拳法。当年,一代宗师王芗斋在创立大成拳之际,保留了形意拳的精华(众所周知,芗老原为形意高手,清未形意大师郭云深的得意弟子)。而五行拳,更成为大成拳单操手中的重要内容。  我的老师王健民曾告诫我,学练大成拳必须精研五行拳,否则便不能了解大成拳的根本。师爷王选杰先生晚年到全国各地讲学授拳,多为王健民老师随同前往。在代师比拳时,王老师常以五行拳中的劈、崩二拳应战,从未失手。据王健民