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Using a microwave generator, chlorine diluted by helium was dissociated to chlorine atoms that subsequently reacted with hydrogen azide to produce the excited states of NCl(a1Δ). Meanwhile, molecular iodine with carrier gas of helium reacted with atomic c
Using a new kind of EH1000 ion source, hafnium dioxide (HfO2) films are deposited with different deposition techniques and different conditions. The absorbance and the laser damage threshold of these films have been measured and studied. By comparing thes
若要实现空间失效卫星、空间碎片等非合作目标, 尤其是具有自旋运动特性的目标的在轨服务或者离轨清除, 需要精确测量追踪航天器与目标之间的相对姿态。当目标旋转一周后, 对重访区域的闭环检测与位姿优化是减小累积误差, 提高测量精度的重要保证。首先, 本文介绍了视觉词袋库的建立和基于视觉词袋的非合作目标闭环检测策略。然后, 基于相似性变换, 对图像序列关键帧集和当前帧进行了联合位姿图优化, 实现了对刚体变换矩阵的校正。最后对不同运动角速度下的不同目标, 采用不同相机进行地面模拟测试实验, 验证了方法的有效性和可靠
A remarkable refinement in the optical behavior of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) has been brought to light when cleaved from their respective bulks. These atomically thin direct bandgap semiconductors are highly responsive to opt
An optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) is a microwave photonic system that produces microwave signals with ultralow phase noise using a high-quality-factor optical energy storage element. This type of oscillator is desired in various practical applications, s
Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) are the ideal optical sources for data communication and sensing. In data communication, large data rates combined with excellent energy efficiency and temperature stability have been achieved based on adva