
来源 :党史研究与教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chichizhang
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刘邓大军挺进大别山,将战争引向国民党区域,揭开了全国范围内战略进攻的序幕。但中原三军于1947年7月和8月初至新区,立足未稳,兵力处于劣势,所以我认为刘邓大军挺进大别山在全国范围内揭开战略进攻的序幕和中原三军在战场上确立战略优势地位,是两个时间和范围均有差异的概念。近几年来,学术界对刘邓大军挺进大别山及其战略作用进行了比较深入的研究,而对刘邓主力撤出大别山、实施向西战略,往往一笔略过。导致对中原战场一些关键问题的表述比较混乱。有的人把在全国范围内开始战略进攻等同于我军在中原战场上形成战略优势,并且说,以豫东战役和襄樊战役为标志,我军在中原战场上粉碎了敌人的防御体系;①有的说,从1947年7月到1948年6月,敌我在中原战场形成僵局,直到豫东战役取得了胜利,我军才确立了战略优势地位②等等。观点大相径庭。本文结合考察刘邓主力实施向西战略,对中原三军战略优势地位的确立及其相关问题作些探讨,不妥之处恳请指正。 The advance of the army of Liu and Deng into the Dabie Mountains led the war to the Kuomintang area and opened the prelude to a nationwide strategic offensive. However, since the Central Plains Tribal Army came to the New Zone in July and early August 1947, based on the current situation, military strength was at a disadvantage. Therefore, I think that the advance of the Liu-Deng armies into the Dabie Mountains has opened a nationwide prelude to the strategic offensive and the Central Plains Tri-Armies established their strategic superiority in the battlefield , Is the concept that there are two differences in time and scope. In recent years, academics conducted a more in-depth study on the advance of the army of Liu and Deng into the Dabie Mountains and its strategic role. However, Liu and Deng drew out the main force of the Dabie Mountains and implemented a strategy toward the west, often skimming a bit. Leading to some confusion on the key issues of the battlefield in the Central Plains. Some people have equated the start of a strategic offensive throughout the country with the strategic superiority of our army in the battlefield in the Central Plains. In addition, our army smashed the enemy’s defensive system on the battlefield of the Central Plains marked by the campaign to the east of Henan and the battle of Xiangfan. Some said that from July 1947 to June 1948, the enemy and I formed an impasse in the battlefield of the Central Plains. It was not until the victory in the battle of Yugoslavia that our military established its strategic superiority ② and so on. Different perspectives. This article examines the main force of the implementation of the westward strategy by Liu and Deng, discusses the establishment of the strategic superiority of the Central Plains Army and its related issues, and urges me to correct them.
摘要:道德与法治的教育对学生有着重要的影响,通过道德与法治课程的开设,学生的人生观、价值观才能够更好地确立,使学生对法律与道德产生更深刻的认识。因此从教学改革的思路对道德与法治课程的教学策略进行探讨,希望能够在教学改革的背景下给予教师更多的启迪。  关键词:道德与法治;课堂教学  新课程《道德与法治》发展学科的思想性,以社会主义核心价值观为价值统领,结合学生的心理发展和认识水平,由浅入深地认识核心
【摘 要】 目的 探讨系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者发生骨质疏松症(OP)的危险因素。方法 收集2011年1月至2014年8月在我科住院的50例女性SLE患者临床资料,分为OP组与非OP组,采用t检验、χ2检验或确切概率法比较两组患者临床特点。结果16例(32%)SLE患者合并OP。OP组患者病程、糖皮质激素应用超过1年及狼疮肾炎发生率显著高于非OP组(4.6yrs,75.0%,68.8% VS 2
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