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●流星是从哪里来的?如果能够对着美丽的流星许下你的愿望,你的愿望就一定可以实现。这是一个很美丽的传说。那么,这些流星是从哪里来的呢?在宇宙中,有许多尘埃物质和大小不等的破碎固体物质。当它们经过地球时,若离地球较近,在地球引力的作用下,它们就会飞入地球的怀抱。由于速度很快,与大气进行摩擦时会产生大量的热,从而燃烧起来。所以,我们就可以看见天空中划过美丽的流星了。若坠入的流星体很多,如同下雨一样,这就形成了流星雨,如狮子座流星雨等。流星现象一般发生在离地面80千米~120多千米的高空。一般来说,后半夜出现的流星现象比前半夜多。●什么是中国的农历?农历,是中国传统的历法。在农村,无论是拼作或日常生活习惯都广泛使用农历;在城市,传统的节日:春节、中秋节等等,影响深远。农历有平年和闰年之分,平年有12个月,闰年有13个月,其中一个月,叫闰月。那么,为什么农历要设置闰月呢?因为,阳历年的长度是以一个回归年为准的,长度约是365.2422日。而农历是以朔望月的时间作为历月的平均时间,大月30天,小月29天。这样,一个农历年就比阳历年少11 ● Where do the meteors come from? Your wishes will surely be fulfilled if you are able to make your wish against the beautiful meteors. This is a very beautiful legend. So where do these meteors come from? In the universe, there are many dusty substances and broken solid materials of varying sizes. As they pass the Earth, if they are closer to Earth, they will fly into the earth’s arms under the gravitational pull of the Earth. Due to the fast speed, friction with the atmosphere will produce a lot of heat, which burn up. So, we can see the beautiful meteor across the sky. If there are many falling meteors, it is like rain, which forms a meteor shower, such as Leo meteor shower. Meteor phenomenon generally occurs in the altitude of 80 km to 120 km above the ground. In general, there are more meteors in the middle of the night than in the first half of the night. ● What is the Chinese lunar calendar? Lunar New Year, is the traditional Chinese calendar. In the rural areas, the lunar calendar is widely used both in spelling and daily living habits. In the cities, traditional festivals: the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival and so on, have a far-reaching impact. Lunar New Year and leap year points, the average 12 months, leap year has 13 months, of which one month, called the intercalary month. So, why the Lunar New Year to set the leap month? Because, the length of the Gregorian calendar is based on a year of return, the length is about 365.2422 days. Lunar New Year lunar calendar is based on the lunar month as the average time calendar month, 30 days on the big month, Satsuki 29 days. In this way, a lunar year is 11 less than the Gregorian year