Evolvement Characteristics of Population and Economic Gravity Centers in Tarim River Basin,Uygur Aut

来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:akuan
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Using the data at the county level and the regional gravity center model,we calculated six key socio-economic gravity centers,namely population,GDP,output values of primary,secondary and tertiary industries,and arable land area in the Tarim River Basin for each year from 1980 to 2009.We inspected the spatial dynamics of these centers and found that the gravity centers of population and economy evolved simultaneously.The disproportional growth between the population and the economy is also analyzed.The results show that:1)The gravity centers of the GDP,the output values of the main three industries and arable land area show migration trending from southwest to northeast,while the population gravity center shows an excessive growth in the southwest during the same time period.The migration amplitude of the GDP and output values of primary industry,secondary industry,tertiary industry are measurably higher than that of the population.2)The population gravity center has a negative correlation with the gravity centers of secondary and tertiary industries output values in both longitudinal and latitudinal directions,and a positive correlation with that of primary industry output value in the longitudinal direction.Based on the analysis of correlation coefficient and offset distance,the imbalance between the population and the economy has increased since the 1980s,with regional economic differences now exceeding the international cordon. Using the data at the county level and the regional gravity center model, we calculated six key socio-economic gravity centers, ie population, GDP, output values ​​of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and arable land area in the Tarim River Basin for each year from 1980 to 2009. We inspected the spatial dynamics of these centers and found that the gravity centers of population and economy evolved simultaneously. The disproportional growth between the population and the economy is also analyzed. results. that: 1) The gravity centers of the GDP, the output values ​​of the main three industries and arable land area show migration trending from southwest to northeast, while the population gravity center shows an excessive growth in the southwest during the same time period. The migration amplitude of the GDP and output values ​​of primary industry, secondary industry, tertiary industry are measurably higher than that of the population.2) The population gravity center has a negative correlat ion with the gravity centers of secondary and tertiary industries output values ​​in both longitudinal and latitudinal directions, and a positive correlation with that of primary industry output values ​​in the longitudinal direction.Based on the analysis of correlation coefficient and offset distance, the imbalance between the population and the economy has increased since the 1980s, with regional economic differences now exceeding the international cordon
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我们知道,宇宙中不仅有机生命会成长,一些无生命的物体,例如黑洞,也会成长。  我们知道,恒星燃烧到后期都要来一次“清仓大甩卖”,即所谓的“超新星爆发”。经过“清仓”之后,如果剩余物质还超过3~4倍的太阳质量,那么恒星的核心就会坍塌成一个黑洞。  “黑暗霸主”  怎么吃胖的?  不过,这只是恒星量级的小黑洞。比起另一类黑洞,它们只能算是小儿科。放眼整个宇宙,几乎每个大型星系的中央都潜藏着一个超大质量