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本文通过观察,实践,采用数据统计、文献资料等研究方法对承德市中学生篮球意识的培养与思维的构建作了一定的统计与研究,发现大部分中学生篮球意识欠缺,并且存在如下问题:1、攻守转化慢,经常背向对手,视线完全脱离对手;2、漏人后不立即全速追防,防守重心过高;3、协防不到位,看球不看人;4、争抢篮板不卡位;5、节奏控制不好,一味求快;6、阵地配合盲目乱动等。针对以上问题,本文从以下几点来构建思维和培养意识:1、加强篮球理论与智力训练;2、在技术训练中进行篮球意识的熏陶和渗透;3、在战术训练中强化篮球意识;4、通过心理训练培养篮球意识;5、对整体意识的培养与训练等。认为:良好的篮球意识需要有正确的思路来铺垫,良好思维的构建是意识培养的先导,只有拥有正确的思路意识,才可以有比赛中发挥出高水平的技战术配合,从而获得战机。 This paper makes some statistics and research on the cultivation of basketball awareness and the construction of thinking in middle school students in Chengde through observation, practice, data statistics and other research methods and finds that most of the middle school students lack of basketball awareness, and there are the following problems: Offensive and defensive conversion slow, often facing their opponents, eyes completely out of their opponents; 2, immediately after the leak did not recover at full speed, defensive center of gravity is too high; 3, the defense is not in place, watching the ball does not look at people; Bit; 5, rhythm control is not good, blindly seeking fast; 6, with the blind move and other positions. In view of the above problems, this article builds thinking and fostering awareness from the following points: 1, strengthening basketball theory and intelligence training; 2, , Through the psychological training to cultivate basketball awareness; 5, the overall awareness of training and training. It is believed that a good basketball awareness needs to be paved the way for correct thinking. The construction of good thinking is the guide to cultivate awareness. Only with the correct thinking and awareness can we play a high level of technical and tactical cooperation in the competition so as to obtain the fighter.
打开国门 对外开放 1978年春夏之交,中共中央、国务院决定由国务院副总理谷牧带领一个政府代表团出访法国、联邦德国、瑞士、丹麦、比利时。代表团成员除了国务院有关部委负
我国改革开放的30年,是经济、政治、科学技术、文化教育、各项社会事业和人民物质文化生活全面飞速发展的30年;是国家的国际地位和中华民族的声望与荣誉大幅度提升的30 In
视神经脊髓炎是脱髓鞘疾病中的一种特殊类型。此病的发病原理尚不明了,在西藏尚未见报道。我院1977年12月曾收治1例,兹报告如下: 患儿达娃、男、4岁、藏族、住院号11656。因