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方兴东的个头很高。采访的时候,他又坐一把高脚椅子,身体靠在椅背上。和采访机的距离有些远了,我担心录音效果不好,便请他靠近些。他笑着说,应该不会影响吧,一边很配合地把腰弯下来。于是整个采访期间,一小时又四十分钟,他就这么一直耐心地把腰弯着。谈话间,这位新一轮互联网革命的领军人物和准网络新贵,表情一如既往地真诚,甚至透着几分现时代严重匮乏的纯朴。只是讲话语速极快,吐字有些含混,个别处稍嫌结巴。这些都是可以被原谅的,早有人指出,很多人出现这种症状,是因为思维极其活跃,嘴巴的速度跟不上思维的速度而已。 Fang Xingdong’s tall. During the interview, he sat a high chair again and leaned back in his chair. And the interviewer some distance away, I am worried that the recording is not good, then asked him closer. He laughed and said that it should not be affected, while curling his waist down very well. So one hour and forty minutes throughout the interview, he bent his waist so patiently. During the conversation, the new leader in the new round of Internet revolution and prospective network upstart, as always, the expression of sincerity, and even reveals some simple serious nowadays lacking. Just talking fast, vomit some ambiguous, slightly stuttering somewhere. These are forgivable, and it has long been pointed out that many people develop this symptom because their thinking is extremely active and their mouth can not follow the speed of thinking.
随着汽车开始走入寻常百姓家,收藏汽车模型逐渐成为一种时尚。在不久前结束的杭州国际汽车展上,不仅是 F1赛车大出风头,就连400至1000元的 F1赛车仿真模型,在展馆销售之酣畅
炎炎夏日的一个午后,曾国藩收到学生李鸿章的一封书信。在信里,李鸿章向恩师推荐了三个年轻人,希望他们能在老师的帐前效力。曾国藩放下学生的信,照例背着双手出去散步。 On