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7月2日中国广东核电集团公司双喜临门。属下的岭澳核电站一号机组投入商业性运行庆祝仪式在该电站现场举行,中共中央政治局常委、全国人大常务委员会委员长李鹏出席仪式并为该电站一号机组投产剪彩。下午2时,又与国家开发银行举行了“银企合作”签字仪式。此次“银企合作”协议的签订,为双方提供了更加广泛的合作空间, July 2 China Guangdong Nuclear Power Corporation double happiness. The ceremony of launching a commercial operation of Unit 1 at Ling Ao Nuclear Power Station was held at the site of the plant. Li Peng, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and NPC Standing Committee, attended the ceremony and cut the ribbon for the commissioning of Unit One of the power station. At 2:00 pm, another signing ceremony was held with the China Development Bank for “cooperation between banks and enterprises.” The signing of the agreement on cooperation between banks and enterprises provided a broader space for cooperation between the two sides,
The statistical model codes as the evaluation tool widely used in the world have long been performedto set up neutron data library below 20 MeV However, an imp
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Accelerating tube up grading on HI-13 tandem was finished in 2002. It was carried out after 15 years’operation of the HI-13 tandem accelerator.Eight old 72“t
In 2002, the accelerating tube has been up-graded for HI-13 tandem accelerator The terminal voltageof the machine has reached 15 MV and some physics experiment
【据核信息服务网站2002年 2月9日报道】 荷兰环境部长和欧洲委员会共同要求关闭位于荷兰阿姆斯特丹北部的Petten研究堆。这个要求是在压力容器出现裂缝以后提出的,裂缝自该
A common problem in high voltage technique is the breakdown of insulator due to surfacecontamination with conducting material. For example, the metal ion is tr