Modeling and characterization of shielded low loss CPWs on 65 nm node silicon

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zengquaner
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Coplanar waveguides(CPWs)are promising candidates for high quality passive devices in millimeterwave frequency bands.In this paper,CPW transmission lines with and without ground shields have been designed and fabricated on 65 nm CMOS technology.A physical-based model is proposed to describe the frequency-dependent per-unit-length L,C,R and G parameters.Starting with a basic CPW structure,the slow-wave effect and ground-shield influence have been analyzed and incorporated into the general model.The accuracy of the model is confirmed by experimental results. Coplanar waveguides (CPWs) are promising candidates for high quality passive devices in millimeterwave frequency bands. In this paper, CPW transmission lines with and without ground shields have been designed and fabricated on 65 nm CMOS technology. A physical-based model is proposed to describe the frequency-dependent per-unit-length L, C, R and G parameters. Starting with a basic CPW structure, the slow-wave effect and ground-shield influence have been analyzed and incorporated into the general model. The accuracy of the model is confirmed by experimental results.
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由原文(1999年3期《河北煤炭》)分析知:正断层0≤F2-F1<-2fFH时0°<α<90°;逆断层-2FHf<F2-F1≤0时0°<α<90°。正断层上盘,除F2-F1外;上盘沿斜面下滑,故杆模型沿水平受剪切应力τ′作用。很多情形(层位软弱)时,τ′ From the ori
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