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“秦诗”是指春秋时代的秦人之诗,包括传世已久的《秦风》十诗、出于地下的《石鼓文》和《秦公大墓石磬铭文》等韵文。它在内容上偏重对上层阶级的描述,对秦地的自然风貌也有细致刻画,而对民间的抒写稍显单薄。但对秦人内心世界的表现却非常丰富:既展现了民族群体心理,也描绘了个体人物胸臆;既有壮怀激烈,也有婉转深致;既展露出爽朗豪迈之气,也蕴藉了凄切缱绻之风。秦诗在艺术表现上,既有寻常平直之处,又有婉转入神之笔;在审美风格上,既有整饬的形式美,又有缥缈的意境美。秦诗的总体风貌可概括为:气象激越而苍凉,笔致沉静而灵动。 “Qin poetry ” refers to the poem of the Qin people in the Spring and Autumn Period, including the ten poems of “Qin Feng” that have been handed down for a long time, and other rhymes such as the “Stone Drums” and the “Inscriptions of Stone Inscriptions of Qin Gong” on the underground. It emphasizes on the description of the upper classes in content, but also has a detailed description of the natural style of the Qin dynasty. However, the performance of Qin people’s inner world is very rich: not only show the ethnic group psychology, but also portrayed the individual character of the mind; both strong and intense, but also tactfully; not only reveals the heart of heroism, but also implies a mournful wind. In the aspect of artistic expression, Qin poetry not only has the usual straight place, but also has the poetic touch; in the aesthetic style, it has the aesthetic beauty of the whole style and the unpleasant beauty of the artistic conception. The general style of Qin poetry can be summarized as: the weather is aggravating and desolation, pen quiet and agile.
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<正> 斑秃是一种较常见的皮肤病,病因至今尚未明确,目前多倾向于自身免疫性疾病,但与遗传因素、精神因素也有密切关系。我科自1994年以来,用95%液体酚外涂治疗斑秃收到良好效
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