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你刊1982年第一期刊载的《第一艘铁甲军舰》一文中,提到:“世界上最早的铁甲军舰是美国在南北战争期间建造的梅里马克号(Merimack)和蒙尼陀号(Monitor)……”。我认为它们不是世界上最早的铁甲军舰。据美国的“1975年百科全书”(Encyclopedia Americana)和日本的“世界的舰船1978年第250期及1980年第280期”所述。早在1853年11月俄土战争时,俄国舰队在黑海的锡诺普港与土耳其交战,由于俄国使用了破裂弹,全歼了土耳其木质舰队。那时英国 In your article entitled “The First Ironclad Warship” published in the first issue of 1982, it mentions: “The earliest armored warships in the world are the Merimack and Montero monitors built by the United States during the Civil War. ) ... ”. I do not think they are the earliest armored warships in the world. According to the Encyclopedia Americana of the United States and Japan’s “Ships of the World No. 250 in 1978 and No. 280 in 1980”. As early as the Russian-Turkish War in November 1853, the Russian fleet had fought Turkey in the port of Sinop on the Black Sea and completely wiped out the Turkish wooden fleet as a result of Russia’s use of a cracked shell. At that time, Britain
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点防御面对空导弹,舰上或陆基发射 英国肖特兄弟有限公司(Short Brothers Ltd)研制 主管部门:英国国防部,为皇家海军研制 应用:舰载、近程反飞机和反导弹防御系统。轻型海猫
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美国陆军弹道研究所最近研制成功一种实验室实验研究设备 LERF。设备中采用了该所发展的专用微型电子计算机。它能在弹道试验 The United States Army Ballistic Research
全天候、近程面对空导弹。 法国马特拉公司(Engins Matra SA)研制和生产导弹。汤姆逊 (Thompson)-CSF公司负责各种不同的武器系统。 南非在法国的许可下可以生产响尾蛇(Crotale)
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