Optimum condition by mechanical characteristic evaluation in friction stir welding for 5083-O Al all

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eastliu33
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The mechanical characteristies for friction stir welding (FSW) of 5083-O Al alloy were evaluated. The results show that in FSW at 800 r/min and 124 mm/min, a weld defect is observed at the start point. However, the button shape at the end point is good and the stir zone has a soft appearance. At 267 mm/min, a void occurs at the button. A slight weld defect and rough stir zone are seen both at the start and end points at 342 mm/min. Moreover, at the bottom, a tunnel-type void is observed from an early stage to the end point, and at 1 800 r/min, a weld defect can be found from an early stage to the end point. These defects are rough with imperfect joining due to excessive rotation speed and high physical force. Weld fractures relative to rotational and travel speeds are observed at the stir zone. The optimum FSW conditions are a welding speed of 124 mm/min and a rotational speed of 800 r/min. The results show that in FSW at 800 r / min and 124 mm / min, a weld defect was observed at the start point. However, the button A slight weld defect and rough stir zone are both both at the start and end points at 342 mm / min, at 267 mm / min, a void occurs at the button. min. Moreover, at the bottom, a tunnel-type void is observed from an early stage to the end point, and at 1 800 r / min, a weld defect can be found from an early stage to the end point. rough with imperfect joining due to excessive rotation speed and high physical force. Weld fractures relative to rotational and travel speeds are observed at the stir zone. The optimum FSW conditions are a welding speed of 124 mm / min and a rotational speed of 800 r / min.
【摘要】通过文献资料法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对1999年-2006年期间中文体育类期刊,关于学校体育指导思想“健康第一”的相关文献进行综合分析。总结了当前关于“健康第一”指导思想的研究动态以及热点问题。以期在学校体育改革的热潮中,更好地落实“健康第一”指导思想提供参考依据。  【关键词】学校体育改革健康第一    一、前言  1999年6月,党中央、国务院召开了第三次全国教育工作会议
文明礼仪教育是学校德育工作的一项重要内容,也是提高学生全面素质的教育手段之一。然而,在不少的青少年学生中,对应有的文明礼仪不重视,出现了诸如与人为善、孝敬父母、勤劳俭朴、热爱劳动等意识十分淡薄的缺陷,导致思想品德滑坡,这些现象不得不引起全社会、尤其是学校的高度重视和深刻反思。  一、普及文明礼仪知识  俗话说:“没有规矩,不成方圆”。必备的文明礼仪知识是人们形成良好文明礼仪行为习惯的基础。人的知书