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对Bi-2223/Ag多芯高温超导带材的交流磁化率的标度行为进行了探讨研究。测量了在外加磁场垂直于带材表面时,样品的交流磁化率与温度和磁场之间的关系。结果表明,外加交流磁场对实部和虚部的影响非常显著,交流磁化率的实部和虚部的转变宽度强烈依赖于外加磁场的大小。选择虚部峰值处的温度作为缩放参数,对实部和虚部的测量结果进行归一化处理,结果发现在外加磁场为(325~32.5)×10-4T的条件下,所测量的全部交流磁化率的实部和虚部曲线都可以约化为一条曲线,得到一个普遍的标度律关系,在50~100K的温度范围内,该交流磁化率的标度律关系与试验数据非常吻合,根据这一特性,推导出了铋系多芯高温超导带材的临界电流密度方程。 The scaling behavior of AC susceptibility of Bi-2223 / Ag multi-core HTS tape was studied. The relationship between the AC susceptibility and the temperature and magnetic field of the sample was measured when the applied magnetic field was perpendicular to the strip surface. The results show that the influence of AC magnetic field on real part and imaginary part is very significant. The transition width of real part and imaginary part of AC susceptibility strongly depends on the magnitude of applied magnetic field. The temperature at the peak of the imaginary part was selected as the scaling parameter to normalize the measurement results of the real part and the imaginary part. It was found that under the condition of the applied magnetic field of (325 ~ 32.5) × 10-4T, all the measured AC The real part and the imaginary part of the magnetic susceptibility curve can be reduced to a curve, and a universal scale law relationship is obtained. The scale law of the AC susceptibility is in good agreement with the experimental data in the temperature range from 50K to 100K, According to this characteristic, the critical current density equation of bismuth-based multi-core HTS tapes is deduced.
山楂海棠(Malus komarovii(Sarg.)Rehd.)又称薄叶山楂、山苹果,是蔷薇科(Rosaeeae)苹果属(Malus Mill.)落叶灌木.国家二级重点保护植物.和中定为濒危种~([1]).中被定为省级一
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