Internal structural optimization of hollow fan blade based on sequential quadratic programming algor

来源 :航空动力学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dqylovezf1314
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Several structural design parameters for the description of the geometric features of a hollow fan blade were determined.A structural design optimization model of a hollow fan blade which based on the strength constraint and minimum mass was established based on the finite element method through these parameters.Then,the sequential quadratic programming algorithm was employed to search the optimal solutions.Several groups of value for initial design variables were chosen,for the purpose of not only finding much more local optimal results but also analyzing which discipline that the variables according to could be benefit for the convergence and robustness.Response surface method and Monte Carlo simulations were used to analyze whether the objective function and constraint function are sensitive to the variation of variables or not.Then the robust results could be found among a group of different local optimal solutions. Several structural design parameters for the description of the geometric features of a hollow fan blade were determined. A structural design optimization model of a hollow fan blade which based on the strength constraint and minimum mass was established based on the finite element method through these parameters. Then, the sequential quadratic programming algorithm was employed to search the optimal solutions. Several groups of value for initial design variables were chosen, for the purpose of not only finding much more optimal results but also analyzing which discipline that the variables according to could be benefit for the convergence and robustness. Response surface method and Monte Carlo simulations were used to analyze whether the objective function and constraint function are sensitive to the variation of variables or not. Try the robust results could be found among a group of different local optimal solutions .
江总书记指出:“创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。” 我毕生研究公路工程并以路面学为主。回顾我近30多年的科研工作,先后主持的三个国家重点科技项目,