
来源 :中华人民共和国国务院公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhang5832
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(1988年8月29日) 国办发[1988]44号国务院原则同意能源部《关于组建中国石油天然气总公司的报告》,请能源部协同该公司抓紧组建工作。组建中国石油天然气总公司,是石油工业管理体制的一项重大变革,是为适应社会主义商品经济发展的要求迈出的重要一步。石油、天然气是国家重要而紧缺的能源和优质化工原料。总公司要认真贯彻执行国家关于发展能源工业的方针政策,促进石油工业的持续稳定增长,努力适应国民经济发展的需要。要按照政企分开的原则,把总公司逐步办成真正的经济实体。总公司要按照《工业企业法》的规定,支持基层企业行使经营自主权,进一步增强企业自我发展的活力。总公司的生产经营活动,请有关地区和部门予以支持。中国石油天然气总公司在国家计划中单列户头。关于总公司提出的发展石油工业的若干政策,以及调整某些石油企业的隶属关系和财务管理体制等问题,请能源部与有关部门另行研究。 (August 29, 1988) The State Council issued a [1988] No. 44 State Council in principle agreed with the “Report on the Establishment of China National Petroleum Corporation” of the Ministry of Energy, and requested the Ministry of Energy to work together with the company to step up its work. The establishment of the China National Petroleum Corporation is a major change in the management system of the petroleum industry and an important step toward meeting the requirements of the development of the socialist commodity economy. Oil and natural gas are important and in short supply of energy and high-quality chemical raw materials for the country. The head office must conscientiously implement the national guidelines and policies on the development of the energy industry, promote the sustained and steady growth of the petroleum industry, and strive to meet the needs of the development of the national economy. According to the principle of separation of government and enterprises, the head office should be gradually turned into a real economic entity. The head office shall, in accordance with the provisions of the “Industrial Enterprise Law,” support grass-roots enterprises in exercising their autonomy in operations, and further enhance the vitality of self-development. The company’s production and operation activities are subject to the support of relevant regions and departments. China National Petroleum Corporation has a separate account in the national plan. With regard to several policies proposed by the head office for the development of the oil industry, as well as the adjustment of the affiliation relationships and financial management systems of certain oil companies, the Department of Energy and related departments are requested to conduct separate research.
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