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他是深入龙潭虎穴的四大传奇将军之一,与周恩来保持着密切的单线联系,是我党潜伏在国民党军中军衔最高的“卧底”。蒋经国称他为“总统身边隐藏时间最长、最隐秘的隐形将军”。历史却公认他有“三奇”:一是他当过国共两军的中将:二是在虎穴中能与党巧妙地保持着联系;三是在莱芜战役中建有奇功。他叫韩练成,名字被收入《中国人民解放军将帅名录》。人们似乎对这个开国中将的名字有些陌生。然翻检国共两党的秘史,这个名字在北伐硝烟、抗战烽火和新中国晨曦中就时隐时现。北伐建功韩练成1909年出生于甘肃省固原县(今属宁夏回族自治区)一个贫苦农家。1925年,因家贫而辍学的韩练成想到了从军,这一年他16岁。他的母 He was one of the four legendary generals who went deep into the tiger’s lair at Longtan and maintained a close one-way connection with Zhou Enlai. He is the longest lieutenant in the Kuomintang army lurking in our party. Chiang Ching-kuo called him “the longest-hidden, most invisible general hidden around the president.” History has admitted that he has “three surprises”: First, he served as generals of the KMT and the army: the second is in the tiger hole and the party can be cleverly maintained contact; Third, in the battle of Laiwu built a miracle. His name is Han Liancheng, name is income “Chinese People’s Liberation Army handsome list.” People seem stranger to the name of the founding father. However, the censorial history of both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was overturned. This name is sometimes hidden in the Northern Expedition, the war flames and the new China dawn. Northern Expedition Jian Gong Han Liancheng Born in 1909 in Gansu Guyuan County (now Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region) a poor farmer. In 1925, Han Liancheng, who dropped out of school due to poverty in his family, thought of joining the army and was 16 years old this year. His mother