中国当代水墨名家 学者型书家——茹桂

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茹桂陕西长安人,1936年生。先后就读于西安美术学院和陕西师范大学中文系,现为西安美术学院教授,书法教育研究中心主任,陕西省书法家协会名誉主席,中国书协学术委员,日本京都造型艺术大学、艺术短期大学客座教授、美国世纪大学特聘艺术家,享受国务院有突出贡献专家特殊津贴。书法作品曾参加国内外重大书展并多次获奖,先后在日本、美国及东南亚等国家和地区举办个展和联展,并进行讲学。新闻传媒及评论界称其为“具有诗人气质的”“学者型书家”。著有《文学创作常识》(合作)、《书法十讲》、《艺术美学纲要》、《茹桂书法教学手记》、《美术辞林·书法卷》,艺术散文随笔《砚边絮语》,行草书帖《白居易〈长恨歌〉》、《张若虚〈春江花月夜〉》、《茹桂书自作书〈长安好〉》39首等。被中国书协评为“德艺双馨书家”。 Ru Gu Guangxi Changan people, born in 1936. He studied at the Xi’an Fine Arts Institute and the Chinese Department of Shaanxi Normal University. He is currently a professor at the Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, a director of the Calligraphy Education Research Center, an honorary chairman of the Shaanxi Calligraphers Association, a visiting scholar of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a visiting professor of Kyoto University of Fine Arts in Japan, Professor, a specially appointed artist of the United States Century University, enjoy the special allowance made by the State Council with outstanding contributions. Calligraphy has participated in major domestic and international book exhibitions and won many awards, successively in Japan, the United States and Southeast Asia and other countries and regions to hold solo exhibitions and exhibitions, and give lectures. The news media and commentators call it “poetic” “scholarly book writer”. He is the author of “Common Literary Creation” (cooperation), “Calligraphy Ten Lectures”, “Outline of Art Aesthetics”, “Notes on Calligraphy Teaching in Ru Gu”, “Fine Arts Calligraphy and Calligraphy”, “ Cursive posts, ”White House“, ”Zhang Ruoxu Spring Night“, ”Ru Gui book self-made“ Chang’an good ”39 first class. By the China Association for Calligraphy “German art Shuangxin book home ”.
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