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  说到耐克运动鞋,人们(特别是男生)都会想到 “Air Jordan”。“Air Jordan” 背后有一位对运动鞋领域有深远影响的设计师——廷克•哈特菲尔德(Tinker Hatfield)。作为一个专业建筑师出身的设计师,从最初在耐克公司创始人之一Bill Bowerman手下当徒弟开始,为运动鞋设计带来了一种全新的思考角度。他的灵感,可以来自机械怪兽般的蓬皮杜中心(Air Max 1代)或喷气式战斗机(Jordan 5代),甚至是割草机(Jordan 11代)……
  As I often say, when you sit down to design something—can be anything: it can be a car, a toaster, a house, a tall building or a shoe—what you draw or what you design is really a 1)culmination of everything that you’ve seen and done in your life previous to that point.
  And I had been to Paris. I had been to…I mean we…a lot of us at Nike have travelled extensively to try and be inspired, to understand people from all over the world, in different cities, different cultures, different regions. I had known about this very interesting, very innovative and very controversial building called the George Pompidou Centre.
  Coming into the plaza surrounding the Centre, and then just to see the stark contrast between the traditional French style of, you know, 2)mansion roofs and…and then to see this large, almost machine-like building sort of spilling its guts out into the world. In other words you could just see everything: you could see the escalators, and the heating and air conditioning, you could see the levels of the, you know, the different parts of the museum. And it really inspired me because it really shook the world of architecture; it shook the world of urban design. It really changed the way people looked at buildings. For many it changed for the worse, but in my eyes it changed for the better.
  The very first 3)high profile project and, as it turns out, a very controversial one, was really the “Air Max”: the original “Air Max” with the visible air window.
  When you do something different you have to have a pretty thick skin. People are gonna take shots at you: they’re going to criticize what they don’t understand. I just remember people being very upset about it, and the head of marketing for running was not in favor of that shoe, and just couldn’t see how that we could sell some…a shoe that had a hole in the side of it, that, you know, people thought it was gonna be too 4)vulnerable, and it just didn’t look like a normal running shoe. I’m fully convinced that had I not seen the building I might not have suggested that we actually expose this air bag and make it visual and actually let people see inside the shoe.
  第一个以高姿态亮相,随后更成为别具争议性的设计方案——就要数“Air Max”了,最早期那款带有气垫可视窗的“Air Max”。
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语音:美式发音 适合泛听  语速:175词/分钟  关键词:bicycle, airbag, helmet    Bicyclists who don’t want to 1)muss up their hair with a 2)helmet or simply dislike the 3)bulky 4)headgear may soon have another option for saf
凯瑟琳·奥弗林出生于1970年,在英国伯明翰长大,在家里六个小孩中排行小幺,父母以经营糖果店为生。凯瑟琳曾经当过记者、网站编辑、邮递员,还在多个购物中心打过工。凯瑟琳并没有从小立志要成为一名作家,她只是把自己的真实情感付诸笔下,以自己成长的经历以及在唱片公司打工的际遇为线索,写下了其首部小说《那些逝去的》(What Was Lost, 2007)。该小说以一个生活在上世纪80年代中期的失踪小女孩的
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