
来源 :牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huruiwangmin
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尖周病是口腔科常见病、多发病。探讨尖周病的发病机理和修复机制是口腔内科学的重要研究课题之一。尖周病是尖周组织的炎症性疾病,在其发生、发展过程中充满着辩证法,本文就尖周病免疫反应的辩证关系作一初步探讨。 1 尖周病的感染与防御 尖周病是指牙齿根尖部的牙骨质、根尖周围的牙周膜和牙槽骨等尖周组织的疾病。疾病是人体系统在一定层次上和在一定范围内的失序、失调、失稳。换言之,也就是机体的自我调节在一定数量上的失调,机体非平衡状态在一定程度上的失稳,机体的高度有序性在一定范围的失序。是否可以这样认为:尖周病是尖周组织在一定层次的失序、失调、失稳的一种表现。 Periapical disease is a common disease in dentistry, frequently-occurring disease. To investigate the pathogenesis and repair mechanism of periapical disease is one of the important research topics in oral science. Periapical disease is an inflammatory disease of periapical tissue, which is full of dialectics in the process of its occurrence and development. This article makes a preliminary study on the dialectical relationship of the immune response of apicosis. 1 periapical disease infection and defense Periapical disease refers to the apical cementum, periapical periodontal ligament and alveolar bone and other periapical tissue disease. Disease is the human system at a certain level and within a certain range of disorder, disorders, instability. In other words, that is, the body's self-regulation in a certain number of disorders, the body unbalanced state to a certain extent, instability, the body's high degree of order in a certain range of disorder. Whether this can be thought: periapical disease is a manifestation of perineal organization at a certain level of disorder, disorders, instability.
In answer to the important technological deployment, consumers express a need of physical reassuring and tangible contact. The perceived quality exceeds the rol
本文认为,加入世界贸易组织以后反倾销措施受到中国政府更多重视和使用,标志中国关于货物贸易的对外贸易管理政策正在经历历史性结构调整,从过去限制进口为主转到维护进口产品引起的国内经济竞争秩序。 中国最高人民法院2002年12月公布的反倾销司法审查规定。提高了中国反倾销司法审查制度的国际化水准,推动了采取反倾销措施行政程序的法治化进程、在中国司法审查程序上,第一次明确规定划分事实审查与法律审查的司法审
自然杀伤(natural killer,NK)细胞,在牙周病中的致病机理尚有争论。作者通过免疫组织化学方法,研究了成人牙周炎(AP)和快速进行性牙周炎(RP)患者牙龈中NK细胞的分布。NK细胞