文化部召开座谈会 指出整顿、改革剧团体制必须加速进行

来源 :人民戏剧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luxinyiu
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近几年,我国的戏剧事业得到了很大的恢复和发展。但是,现存的剧团体制以及领导管理工作,存在不少缺陷和问题,诸如:机构臃肿,人浮于事;剧团布局不尽合理;领导部门管得过多、过死,剧团缺少必要的自主权;党政不分,以党代政;分配制度上则是平均主义,不能体现按劳分配的原则;一些规章制度不符合艺术生产规律等等。针对以上问题,文化部最近在安徽省合肥市召开了剧团整顿、改革座谈会,有九个省、市的文化局 In recent years, the drama industry in our country has been greatly restored and developed. However, there are still many shortcomings and problems in the existing troupe system and leadership management work. For example, bloated institutions and unmanageable troupes have not been properly managed; leading departments have too many overstated and over-death theater companies that lack the necessary autonomy; Regardless of the party to the government; distribution system is equalitarianism, can not reflect the principle of distribution according to work; some rules and regulations do not meet the law of art production and so on. In response to the above questions, the Ministry of Culture recently held a troupe reorganization and reform forum in Hefei, Anhui Province. There are nine provincial and municipal Cultural Bureau
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