Global trends in diabetes-related mortality with regard to lifestyle modifications, risk factors, an

来源 :慢性疾病与转化医学(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ssqjwz
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Background::According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a global reduction of 17% has been achieved in the major noncommunicable disease-associated mortality rate since 2000. This decline was due to the decreasing mortality associated with cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases. The WHO has not made any comments on diabetes-related mortality thus far. The objective of this study was to demonstrate trends in diabetes-related mortality associated with country-wide interventions.Methods::The WHO statistics were used to assess trends in diabetes-related mortality from 2000 to 2016. Different types of community-based interventions in 49 countries were compared and assessed.Results::The baseline mortality decreased by 7%. Mortality in middle-income countries was higher than that in high-income countries. The prevalence of obesity showed a gradual increase in all countries. After implementation of the WHO “best buy” in 2010, mortality increased in 17 countries and decreased in 32 countries. Regarding the smoking prevalence trend, 87% countries with decreasing diabetes-related mortality had a gradual decline in tobacco usage since 2000. The decline was observed only in 43% countries with increasing diabetes-related mortality. The prevalence of hypertension increased in 19% countries with declining diabetes-related mortality and in 35% countries with increasing diabetes-related mortality. Physical activity measures tended to be better implemented in countries with declining diabetes-related mortality than in countries with increasing diabetes-related mortality.Conclusion::Smoking cessation and better blood pressure control are associated with declining diabetes-related mortality. Longer implementation periods are needed for other lifestyle interventions.“,”Background::According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a global reduction of 17% has been achieved in the major noncommunicable disease-associated mortality rate since 2000. This decline was due to the decreasing mortality associated with cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases. The WHO has not made any comments on diabetes-related mortality thus far. The objective of this study was to demonstrate trends in diabetes-related mortality associated with country-wide interventions.Methods::The WHO statistics were used to assess trends in diabetes-related mortality from 2000 to 2016. Different types of community-based interventions in 49 countries were compared and assessed.Results::The baseline mortality decreased by 7%. Mortality in middle-income countries was higher than that in high-income countries. The prevalence of obesity showed a gradual increase in all countries. After implementation of the WHO “best buy” in 2010, mortality increased in 17 countries and decreased in 32 countries. Regarding the smoking prevalence trend, 87% countries with decreasing diabetes-related mortality had a gradual decline in tobacco usage since 2000. The decline was observed only in 43% countries with increasing diabetes-related mortality. The prevalence of hypertension increased in 19% countries with declining diabetes-related mortality and in 35% countries with increasing diabetes-related mortality. Physical activity measures tended to be better implemented in countries with declining diabetes-related mortality than in countries with increasing diabetes-related mortality.Conclusion::Smoking cessation and better blood pressure control are associated with declining diabetes-related mortality. Longer implementation periods are needed for other lifestyle interventions.
慢阻肺吸入治疗常用的吸入药物有哪些?rn黄教授介绍说:慢阻肺稳定期常用的吸入药物主要有以下几类:rn1.支气管舒张剂 这是慢阻肺治疗过程中控制症状的核心药物,其作用是松驰