Main Statistic Data of Power Industry Nationwide in 2004

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As shown by the bulletin of statistics, in 2004, each main index for power production and consumption remained at a higher level in China, The power production and consumption still increased rapidly, and the tense situation of power supply aod demand per
一、赛前训练的各项准备工作。  1、思想、精神、心理的各项准备工作  (1)做好进入赛前训练阶段的动员工作。在总结前阶段训练的基础上,完整、仔细地分析形势,明确提出任务、指标,提出训练指导思想(口号)和训练重点(个人的)及主要措施、要求,并通过与运动员广泛地座谈,加深运动员对赛前训练任务的明确认识,奠定牢固的思想基础。(2)运动员个人充分认识在整个前一阶段训练周期。技战术、体能、心理上的个人特点与
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