Loving People and Treasuring Things

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<正> THE sandstorms that sweep through China's inland generally strike hardest in the north. Beijing suffers the most. Spring in the capital-that short, precious respite between a bitterly cold winter and five months of torrid summer - is frequen
摘 要:文章结合工程实例,对现行GTJ/TF50-2011公路桥涵施工技术规范预应力筋伸长量计算方法进行了较为详细的诠释和补充,介绍了预应力钢束理论伸长量分段计算方法,总结了影响理论伸长量值的几种因素,以提高理论伸长量计算的准确性,从而有效地掌控预应力施工。  关键词:预应力;理论伸长量;分段;精确计算  中图分类号:TU375 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-8937(2014)12-011
IT is hard to imagine thatonly 11 years ago, thebroad bustling streetslined with row uponrow of tall buildings andspace-age style productionplants in what is no
Depicting the obstacles and setbacks the Chinese nation faced in its struggle to emerge from feudalism and semi-colonialism, this serial portrays China&#39;s 30
ZHUZHOU has a glorious cultural, revolutionary, and industrial history. It is the birthplace of Yan Di, one of the founding Chinese ancestors, and its Chaling C
摘 要:近年来,电力产业的市场化改革与监管重构已成为世界性潮流。随着我国工业化浪潮和现代化生活的变革,逐步放松发电管制和售电、输电、配电环节的政府监管,已成为我国电力行业市场化改革的重要内容。个人发电入网作为对发电环节竞争机制的引入,有利于中国电力行业整体价值链的市场化改革。文章首先阐述了我国个人发电入网背景;然后回顾我国电力市场改革的历史道路;最后分析个人发电并入国家电网对于我国电力市场化改革的
<正> XUZHOU is located in northern Jiangsu Province and was called Pengcheng in ancient times. With a history of 4,000 years, Xuzhou has much to offer the histo