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十年动乱期间,闭关锁国。我作为一个科学记者,在事隔三年之后才详细知道著名物理学家丁肇中教授获得1976年度诺贝尔物理学奖的经过。 丁肇中是继李政道、杨振宁之后,第三位获得诺贝尔物理学奖的华裔物理学家。他是位什么样的科学家?为什么会获得这一殊荣?作为一个跑科技战线的记者,我觉得应该深入采访。 那是1979年的秋天,全国科学界正沉浸在粉碎“四人帮”的巨大喜悦中。一年前召开了全国科学大会,用李政道教授的话说:海内外的有志之士都很关心中国实现四个现代化的问题。海外科学家纷纷来华,或讲学,或进行学术交流。继李政道之后,丁肇中教授来中国讲学。当我听中国和学院的科学家们说,丁教授祖籍山东日照,他虽然很小就远走异邦,而在获得诺贝尔奖之后却先用中文然后用英文发表了动人的演讲时,这驱使我很想更进一步了解他。 他在那篇曾使瑞典皇家科学院在座的人们因听不懂中文而互相交头接耳的演讲中说:“光和物质的相互作用,是物理学上最早的一个研究题目,早在公元前4世纪,中国的《墨子》上便有记载。到了20世纪,物理学上的许多重大发现,都是和光线有关系的。1901年,X—射线的 During the ten years of turmoil, closed the country. As a science journalist, I knew in detail three years after the famous physicist Professor Ding Zhaozhong won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1976. Ding Zhaozhong is the third Chinese physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics after Li Zhengdao and Yang Zhenning. Why is he a scientist and why did he win this award? As a journalist running the technical front, I think it is time for an interview. That was the fall of 1979, when the entire scientific community was immersed in the tremendous joy of smashing the “gang of four.” A year ago, a national science conference was held. In the words of Professor Li Zhengdao, all people with lofty ideals both at home and abroad are very much concerned about China’s four modernizations. Overseas scientists have come to China, or give lectures, or conduct academic exchanges. After Li Zhengdao, Professor Ding Zhaozhong came to China to give lectures. When I heard Chinese and college scientists say that Professor Ding was a native of Rizhao, Shandong, and although he was a young man, he went a long way to a different country. After winning the Nobel Prize, he first made an introductory speech in Chinese and then in English, which drove me Want to learn more about him. In his speech that made the people present in the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences cross each other because they can not understand Chinese, he said: “The interaction of light and matter is one of the earliest studies in physics. As early as the 4th century BC, China’s ”Mozi" is recorded in. In the 20th century, many of the major discoveries in physics were related to light. In 1901, X-ray