
来源 :环境科学与技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baoma123ertswe_ss
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为探讨大理洱源县氟中毒区高氟温泉水中氟含量控制方法,文章采用羟基磷酸钙离子交换法和黏土、明矾吸附法进行温泉水中除氟。结果表明,采用羟基磷酸钙离子交换法进行温泉水中除氟,分别在24、79、92℃温泉水样中按照1.67 g/L比例加入羟基磷酸钙,温泉水样中的氟含量由5.28μg/m L到4.55、3.30和2.62μg/m L,将水样温度调节到当地沸点92℃,除氟后水样的含氟量仍高达2.62μg/m L,超过国家饮水氟含量标准(1.0μg/m L,GB 5749-2006)。采用的黏土和明矾吸附法进行温泉水中除氟,在室温稳定的情况下,加入标准量、1.5倍量、2倍量、3倍量除氟剂,温泉水中氟含量由5.28μg/m L分别降至0.95、0.33、0.12、0.08μg/m L;当加入除氟剂量保持不变,在室温(24℃)、50、79℃时氟含量由5.28μg/m L分别降至0.95、0.75、0.73μg/m L;当除氟剂量和作用温度均保持不变,加入标准除氟剂量在室温条件下分别静置30 min和12 h,温泉水中氟含量由5.28μg/m L分别降至0.87、0.91μg/m L。以上采用黏土和明矾去除洱源当地温泉水中氟试验中,改变添加除氟试剂量、温度以及静置时间等条件时,除氟量和除氟率有所变化,但是除氟后的温泉水中氟含量均低于1.0μg/m L,符合国家生活饮用水卫生标准。 In order to investigate the method of fluorine content control in high fluoride hot spring water in fluorosis area of ​​Eryuan County, Dali County, the article uses calcium hydroxyphosphate ion exchange method and clay and alum adsorption method to remove fluoride in hot spring water. The results showed that the removal of fluoride in hot spring water by calcium hydroxyphosphate ion exchange method was used to add calcium hydroxyphosphate at a rate of 1.67 g / L in hot spring water samples of 24, 79 and 92 ℃, respectively. The content of fluorine in hot spring water samples increased from 5.28 μg / m L to 4.55, 3.30 and 2.62 μg / m L, the water temperature was adjusted to the local boiling point of 92 ° C, the fluoride content of water samples was still as high as 2.62μg / m L, exceeding the national drinking water fluoride standard (1.0μg / m L, GB 5749-2006). The clay and alum adsorption method were used to remove fluoride in hot spring water. When the temperature was stable at room temperature, the standard, 1.5-fold, 2-fold and 3-fold fluoride removal agents were added. The content of fluorine in hot spring water was 5.28μg / To 0.95, 0.33, 0.12 and 0.08 μg / m L, respectively. When the amount of fluoride added was kept unchanged, the content of fluorine decreased from 5.28μg / m L to 0.95,0.75 at room temperature (24 ℃) 0.73μg / m L. When the de-fluoride dosage and the action temperature were kept constant, the standard de-fluoride dosage was kept at room temperature for 30 min and 12 h respectively. The content of fluorine in hot spring water decreased from 5.28 μg / m L to 0.87 , 0.91 μg / m L. Above the use of clay and alum to remove the local hot spring water Eryuan fluoride test, to change the addition of fluoride reagent dosage, temperature and standing time and other conditions, the amount of fluoride removal and fluoride removal rate, but after fluoride fluoride water Content less than 1.0μg / m L, in line with the national drinking water health standards.
【摘要】通信指人与人或人与自然之间通过某种行为或媒介进行的信息交流与传递。通信网络指为实现多个用户相互通信、由多个通信系统互连而成的通信体系,是人类实现远距离通信的重要基础设施。本文结合笔者多年的工程实践,对通信及其发展前景做出相关探讨。  【关键词】发展前景;通信工程  一、通信工程的特点  通信工程自身的特点同施工过程特点以及产品生产的特点是密不可分的。  1.通信工程产品生产特点  (1)不