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记者近日从广东省劳动和社会保障厅获悉,今年前三季度广东省社会保险扩面征缴工作继续依法向纵深推进,据最新统计数据显示,截止9月底,全省参加企业基本养老保险人数达1023.03万人,比2000年末增加158.36万人,增长18.31%。全省参加失业保险人数达783.23万人,比2000年末增加35.26万人,增长4.71%,其中中山市的参保人数比2000年末增加23.15万人,增长128.67%。全省已有20个市(含顺德市)、30个县级统筹地区全面实施基本医疗保险制度,参 The reporter recently learned from the Guangdong Provincial Department of Labor and Social Security that in the first three quarters of this year, Guangdong's social security coverage expansion continued to be promoted in depth according to the law. According to the latest statistics, as of the end of September, the number of enterprises participating in the basic old-age insurance in the province reached 10,230,300, an increase of 1,583,600 from the end of 2000, an increase of 18.31%. The number of people participating in unemployment insurance in the whole province reached 7,832,300, an increase of 352,600 from the end of 2000, an increase of 4.71%. Among them, the number of people insured in Zhongshan increased by 231,500 over the end of 2000, an increase of 128.67%. The province has 20 municipalities (including Shunde City), 30 county-level co-ordinating the full implementation of the basic medical insurance system, reference
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如果我们走出小我,就会发现另有一种大气作文在,这类作文有文化品位、有人文关怀、有思想底蕴,气度博大,令人耳目为之一新。 If we walk out of ourselves, we will find th
现金流量表与财务状况变动表相比,在揭示信息方面,主要有以下优点: 一、资金概念直观明了。我国企业现行编制的财务善变动表,采用的资金概念是营运资金,即流动资产减去流动
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