Therapeutic Effect Observations on Treatment of Urticaria with Acupuncture plus Garlic-partitioned M

来源 :针灸推拿医学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jj806778025
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针刺配合隔蒜灸治疗顽固性荨麻疹46例,并与单纯针刺治疗30例对照观察,结果观察组总有效率91.3%;对照组总有效率73.3%.说明针刺配合隔蒜灸较单纯针刺治疗顽固性荨麻疹效果更好.,Forty-six patients with intractable urticaria were treated by acupuncture plus garlic-partitioned moxibustion. The results were compared with those of simple acupuncture in a control group of 30patients. The total effective rate were 91.3%, in the observation group and 73.3%, in the control group. It is showed that acupuncture plus garlic-partitioned moxibustion has a better effect on intractable urticaria than simple acupuncture.
Movement-needling Technique, a new acupuncture therapy, is based on traditional acupuncture therapy and anatomical principle, combining acupuncture and movemen
Patient, female, 58 years old, first visit on June 19th,1995.rnMain Complaints: Headache for 3 years and aggravated for one month.
Use Fewer and Exact Acupoints, Usually Paired AcupointsrnMr. LU uses fewer but exact acupoints. He often says:Ifwe fail to grasp the essentials of acupoints, o
1 问题的提出教育部在1998年12月24日将全面推行素质教育列入了《面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划》之中,全面推进素质教育已成为教育战线上一项紧迫任务,同时也是广大教育工作
以清泄湿热,养血润燥为治则,取曲池、百虫窝、合谷、三阴交、行间和内庭为主穴,针刺配合刺络拔罐治疗湿疹患者54例.治愈23例,显效24例,无效7例,总有效率87.0%.,Patients with
The author treated 86 cases of eczema with surrounding acupuncture at the affected part, then moxibustion. Now the report is as follows.