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1997年3月14日,出席八届全国人大五次会议的2720位代表经过庄严表决,以2403票的赞成票通过了国务院提请审议的设立重庆直辖市的议案。自此一个总人口3002万人,总面积8.2万平方公里的中国第四个直辖市,在广袤的共和国大地上诞生了。这条来自长江的巨龙,从一降生便在总人口与总面积上跃居世界各直辖市之首。一座具有璀璨历史的古城大江东去滔滔不息。横跨神州11个省市的滚滚长江,仿佛在向世人讲述一个动人的故事,3000多年的风雨沧桑,给古城重庆镌刻了一道又一道深深的烙印:早在商至战国时期,重庆就是巴国国都,秦至东汉设巴郡,隋唐置渝州,宋设重庆府。古代的重庆,一方面是区域军政中心;另一方面凭借两江交汇、舟楫便利的水运优势和广阔的资 On March 14, 1997, 2720 delegates attending the Fifth Session of the Eighth National People’s Congress passed a solemn vote and passed the motion of setting up a municipality directly under the central government that the State Council has submitted for consideration with 2403 votes in favor. Since then, a total population of 30.02 million people, a total area of ​​82,000 square kilometers of China’s fourth municipality, was born in the vast land of the Republic. This dragon from the Yangtze River, from birth to the total population and the total area of ​​the world’s first municipality. An ancient city with a bright history Dajiang East to endless. Across the 11 provinces and cities across the billowing Yangtze River, as if to tell the world a touching story, more than 3,000 years of vicissitudes of life, to the ancient city of Chongqing engraved one after another deeply imprinted: As early as the Shang and Warring States period, Chongqing is Pakistan National States, Qin to the Eastern Han Dynasty set up Bajun, Suizhou and Yuzhou, Song set Chongqing House. Ancient Chongqing, on the one hand, was a regional military and political center; on the other hand, by virtue of the convergence of the two rivers and the convenient water transport advantages and extensive capital
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